How to use the command trivy (with examples)

How to use the command trivy (with examples)

Trivy is a powerful command-line tool used for scanning container images, file systems, Git repositories, as well as configuration files for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security issues. It provides detailed information regarding potential vulnerabilities allowing developers and security professionals to take appropriate action.

Use case 1: Scan an image


trivy image image:tag


The motivation to scan an image is to ensure its security by identifying and addressing any potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that might exist. This is particularly important for containerized applications as they might introduce additional security risks.


  • trivy: Specifies the command to use.
  • image: Indicates that we want to scan an image.
  • image:tag: Specifies the image and its tag that should be scanned.

Example Output:

The output of this command will provide a list of vulnerabilities found in the image along with their severity ratings, descriptions, and possible remediation steps.

Use case 2: Scan the filesystem for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations


trivy fs --security-checks vuln,config path/to/project_directory


This use case allows you to scan the entire filesystem of a project directory for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. It provides a holistic view of potential security issues affecting the entire project.


  • trivy: Specifies the command to use.
  • fs: Indicates that we want to scan the filesystem.
  • --security-checks vuln,config: Specifies the types of security checks to perform, in this case, both vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  • path/to/project_directory: Specifies the path to the project directory that should be scanned.

Example Output:

The output of this command will include a detailed report of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations found in the project directory. Each identified issue will be classified based on severity rating along with information about the vulnerability or misconfiguration.

Use case 3: Scan a directory for misconfigurations


trivy config path/to/iac_directory


Scanning a directory for misconfigurations allows you to identify any potential misconfiguration issues in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) files. This ensures that your infrastructure is correctly configured and follows best practices.


  • trivy: Specifies the command to use.
  • config: Indicates that we want to scan for misconfigurations.
  • path/to/iac_directory: Specifies the path to the directory containing IaC files that should be scanned.

Example Output:

Upon executing this command, Trivy will provide a report highlighting any identified misconfigurations in the directory. The report will include details about the misconfiguration such as its severity rating, description, and suggested remedies.

Use case 4: Generate output with a SARIF template


trivy image --format template --template "@sarif.tpl" -o path/to/report.sarif image:tag


Generating an output report using a SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format) template allows you to integrate Trivy with other security tools or platforms by providing a standardized report format. This enables seamless collaboration and further analysis of scan results.


  • trivy: Specifies the command to use.
  • image: Indicates that we want to scan an image.
  • --format template: Specifies the format of the output report.
  • --template "@sarif.tpl": Specifies the SARIF template to be used.
  • -o path/to/report.sarif: Specifies the path where the generated report should be saved.
  • image:tag: Specifies the image and its tag that should be scanned.

Example Output:

By running this command, Trivy will perform the scan and generate an output report in SARIF format. The report can then be shared, imported, or analyzed using a compatible tool or platform, ensuring seamless integration with other security processes.


Trivy is an excellent tool for identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security issues in container images, file systems, Git repositories, and configuration files. With its versatile command-line interface, Trivy provides developers and security professionals with the ability to thoroughly scan and evaluate the security posture of their applications and infrastructure. By following the examples provided in this article, you can leverage Trivy’s capabilities and mitigate potential security risks effectively.

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