How to Use the Command 'trufflehog' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'trufflehog' (with Examples)

TruffleHog is an essential tool for developers and security professionals committed to protecting sensitive information within their codebases and cloud environments. This versatile command-line tool is designed to search for hard-coded credentials like API keys, tokens, and other secrets within files, Git repositories, S3 buckets, and Docker images. Its ability to detect and verify secrets makes it a powerful asset in maintaining security best practices and avoiding data breaches. Below, we explore several use cases of the ’trufflehog’ command with detailed examples.

Use Case 1: Scan a Git Repository for Verified Secrets


trufflehog git --only-verified

Motivation: Scanning repositories for secrets ensures that sensitive information never gets committed alongside source code. Over time, overlooking embedded credentials can lead to substantial security risks, such as unauthorized access to services or data leaks. This example demonstrates how TruffleHog can be used to find verified secrets, pinpointing exact matches that are known to be credible threats in the provided Git repository.


  • trufflehog: Initiates the TruffleHog command-line tool.
  • git: Specifies that the command should operate on a Git repository.
  • The URL of the target Git repository to scan.
  • --only-verified: Restrains the output to only display secrets that have been verified, focusing on legitimate risks instead of false positives.

Example Output:

  • The output will typically include the exact location of any verified secrets found within the repository, along with metadata about each finding, such as the type of credential and its hash.

Use Case 2: Scan a GitHub Organization for Verified Secrets


trufflehog github --org=trufflesecurity --only-verified

Motivation: In numerous organizations, GitHub repositories are collaboratively maintained, often encompassing a myriad of files and branches where sensitive information might accidentally be included. Scanning an entire organization stalls potential leaks that could have widespread ramifications. This capability helps identify vulnerabilities across all repositories under a specified organization.


  • trufflehog: TruffleHog command invocation.
  • github: Indicates scanning GitHub-specific elements.
  • --org=trufflesecurity: Sets target to the GitHub organization identified as ’trufflesecurity'.
  • --only-verified: Filters findings to show verified secrets, ensuring relevance and reducing unnecessary alerts.

Example Output:

  • Lists verified secrets found throughout the organization’s repositories, summarizing with counts and respective paths.

Use Case 3: Scan a GitHub Repository for Verified Keys with JSON Output


trufflehog git --only-verified --json

Motivation: When integrating with other platforms (e.g., security dashboards or vulnerability scanners), structured data formats like JSON are invaluable. Providing output in JSON allows for straightforward automation and analysis, part of modern DevSecOps practices. This use case yields a machine-readable output, aiding further processing and reporting.


  • trufflehog: Command initialization.
  • git: Operates on a Git repository.
  • The specific URL of the Git repository.
  • --only-verified: Displays only verified secrets.
  • --json: Formats the output in JSON for enhanced readability and integration capabilities.

Example Output:

  • Accumulated secrets are displayed in JSON format, showing structured data with fields for location, secret type, and matching criteria.

Use Case 4: Scan a GitHub Repository Along with Its Issues and Pull Requests


trufflehog github --repo= --issue-comments --pr-comments

Motivation: Secrets can inadvertently be included in issue comments and pull requests, areas often ignored by traditional scanning tools. This comprehensive scan mitigates risks, covering all dimensions of repository activity, ensuring no stone is unturned in securing the repository.


  • trufflehog: Initiates TruffleHog.
  • github: Targets GitHub actions.
  • --repo= Defines the repository URL to investigate.
  • --issue-comments: Includes comments in issues within the scan.
  • --pr-comments: Expands the scan to evaluate pull request comments.

Example Output:

  • Enumerates secrets found across issues and pull requests, coupled with contextual metadata, such as author and creation date.

Use Case 5: Scan an S3 Bucket for Verified Keys


trufflehog s3 --bucket=bucket name --only-verified

Motivation: Amazon S3 buckets can sometimes unknowingly contain sensitive configuration files or database credentials. Scanning these with TruffleHog allows organizations to proactively secure their cloud storage environments by ensuring no credentials are publicly exposed.


  • trufflehog: The command’s entry point.
  • s3: Directs the scan towards Amazon S3 services.
  • --bucket=bucket name: Identifies the target S3 bucket by name.
  • --only-verified: Limits output to only verified secrets to maintain focus on actionable threats.

Example Output:

  • Outputs detected verified secrets within the S3 bucket along with the bucket’s path and other relevant details.

Use Case 6: Scan S3 Buckets Using IAM Roles


trufflehog s3 --role-arn=iam-role-arn

Motivation: Utilizing IAM roles can significantly enhance security by granting specific permissions to conduct scans, reducing the potential for human error. This use case highlights the flexibility of leveraging IAM roles, ensuring proper authorization and accountability when scanning cloud resources.


  • trufflehog: Command launcher.
  • s3: Targets AWS S3 service.
  • --role-arn=iam-role-arn: Assigns an IAM Role, coded in ARN format, granting specific access permissions orchestrated by roles in AWS.

Example Output:

  • Displays any verified secrets discovered within the S3 buckets under the permissions provided by the IAM Role.

Use Case 7: Scan Individual Files or Directories


trufflehog filesystem path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...

Motivation: Not all secret scanning needs to happen in cloud-hosted environments. Local filesystem scanning is equally essential, especially before committing changes to a version control system. This command lets users quickly assess files or directories for embedded secrets “at rest.”


  • trufflehog: Command initiation.
  • filesystem: Specifies that local files/directories are the scanning targets.
  • path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...: Lists multiple file or directory paths directly associated with the command to scan for secrets.

Example Output:

  • Returns a list of verified secrets highlighting their file paths and specific locations within the files.

Use Case 8: Scan a Docker Image for Verified Secrets


trufflehog docker --image trufflesecurity/secrets --only-verified

Motivation: Containers may inadvertently include embedded secrets in their images, risking leakages once deployed. Scrutinizing Docker images ensures that sensitive credentials aren’t published, insulating environments from undesired breaches.


  • trufflehog: Initiates the TruffleHog process.
  • docker: Specifies that Docker images are the focal point of the scan.
  • --image trufflesecurity/secrets: Directs the tool to investigate a specific Docker image.
  • --only-verified: Ensures the output concentrates only on confirmed, valid secret findings.

Example Output:

  • Reveals exact verified secrets and their location within the Docker image, providing insights into potential security weaknesses.


By adopting TruffleHog in various contexts, organizations can significantly buffer against potential intrusions resulting from secret spillage. Each use case exemplifies distinct environments where TruffleHog’s scanning prowess can be applied, serving an integral role in enhancing a robust security framework. From repositories and cloud storage to containerized applications and local directories, TruffleHog is a formidable tool in the battle to safeguard sensitive data.

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