How to Filter and Select Data using 'tsv-filter' (with examples)

How to Filter and Select Data using 'tsv-filter' (with examples)

The tsv-filter command-line tool is a powerful utility for processing Tab-Separated Value (TSV) files. It filters lines from a TSV file by running tests against individual fields, providing an efficient method for data cleansing and logical data processing tasks. Whether you’re dealing with large datasets or simply want to extract specific data points, tsv-filter offers a variety of options to ease the process.


tsv-filter -H --eq field_name:number path/to/tsv_file


Imagine working with a large TSV file that contains data about employees, and you’re tasked with finding entries where the employee’s age (recorded under the field name “age”) is exactly 30. Using tsv-filter, you can swiftly extract these lines for further analysis or reporting.


  • tsv-filter: Invokes the command to filter lines based on conditions.
  • -H: Tells tsv-filter to treat the first line as a header, which allows the use of field names instead of numbers.
  • --eq: Specifies that the command should filter lines where the given field is numerically equal to the specified number.
  • field_name:number: Replace field_name with the actual column name, like age, and number with the specific number, such as 30.
  • path/to/tsv_file: The path to your TSV file, which contains the data to be processed.

Example output:

John Doe   Software Engineer   30
Jane Smith   Project Manager   30


tsv-filter --eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge column_number:number path/to/tsv_file


Suppose you need to filter products in an inventory TSV file whose price is greater than $100. This can be done seamlessly without manually scanning through the entire file.


  • --eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge: These flags specify the condition:
    • --eq: Equal to
    • --ne: Not equal to
    • --lt: Less than
    • --le: Less than or equal to
    • --gt: Greater than
    • --ge: Greater than or equal to
  • column_number:number: Replace column_number with the index of the column (starting from 1), and number with the value for comparison.
  • path/to/tsv_file: The file path of the input TSV file.

Example output for --gt 3:100:

Product A   Electronics   120
Product B   Furniture   150


tsv-filter --str-eq|ne|in-fld|not-in-fld column_number:string path/to/tsv_file


Suppose you are tasked to filter entries where the department is exactly “Human Resources” or not equal to “Finance.” String comparison aids in textual data segmentation.


  • --str-eq|ne|in-fld|not-in-fld: These are string-based flags:
    • --str-eq: String equals
    • --ne: Not equal
    • --in-fld: Part of
    • --not-in-fld: Not part of
  • column_number:string: Replace column_number with the field index, and string with the string pattern you want to filter against.
  • path/to/tsv_file: Path to your TSV file.

Example output for --str-eq 2:Human Resources:

John Doe   Human Resources
Jane Smith   Human Resources

Filter for non-empty fields


tsv-filter --not-empty column_number path/to/tsv_file


In datasets, especially customer feedback or records, it’s crucial to focus only on entries with relevant and filled data for a particular column, such as Email.


  • --not-empty: Filters lines where the given column is not empty.
  • column_number: The column index to check for non-empty values.
  • path/to/tsv_file: Location of the input file.

Example output for --not-empty 4:

John Doe   30
Alice White   25


tsv-filter --invert --not-empty column_number path/to/tsv_file


To identify records where crucial information is missing (like lack of an Email address), you might need to extract lines where a field is empty.


  • --invert: Inverts the result of the --not-empty flag causing the command to select lines where the field is empty.
  • --not-empty: Checks for non-empty, and when inverted, filters empty columns.
  • column_number: Column index to check.
  • path/to/tsv_file: The file path.

Example output for --invert --not-empty 4:

Sam Green   
Julia Prest  


tsv-filter --eq column_number1:number --str-eq column_number2:string path/to/tsv_file


Suppose you’re tasked to find sales records where the quantity is more than 50 and the region is “North America”. This allows multi-condition filtering for more specific results.


  • --eq column_number1:number: Numerical condition for one column.
  • --str-eq column_number2:string: String condition for another.
  • path/to/tsv_file: Input file path.

Example output:

ProductX   North America   55
ProductY   North America   70


tsv-filter --or --eq column_number1:number --str-eq column_number2:string path/to/tsv_file


This is useful when you want to retrieve records under multiple possible criteria, such as purchases of either 50 items or from vendors located in “Canada”.


  • --or: Apply a logical OR condition where either one of the conditions needs to be met.
  • --eq column_number1:number: Numeric check for one column.
  • --str-eq column_number2:string: Text check for another column.
  • path/to/tsv_file: Location of the data file.

Example output:

ProductA   50
ProductB   Canada

Count matching lines, interpreting the first line as a header


tsv-filter --count -H --eq field_name:number path/to/tsv_file


If you need to quickly understand how many entries meet a particular condition, such as counting all employees aged 30, this command provides a direct line count.


  • --count: Outputs only the count of lines that meet the criteria.
  • -H: Indicates that the TSV file includes a header.
  • --eq field_name:number: Conditions to test for equality in the data.
  • path/to/tsv_file: Path to file being analyzed.

Example output:

Number of matching lines: 10


Using tsv-filter, users can handle and manipulate TSV files to retrieve and analyze data effectively, whether through numerical or string matching, for both individual and complex combined criteria. This tool significantly eases up data preparation and cleaning tasks, assisting data analysts in producing more meaningful insights.

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