Terminal Based Typing Test (with examples)

Terminal Based Typing Test (with examples)


In the world of technology, typing skills are highly valued and essential. Whether you are a developer, writer, or just someone who spends a lot of time typing, improving your typing speed and accuracy can have a significant impact on your productivity.

tt is a command-line tool that provides a simple and effective way to test and improve your typing skills using your terminal. In this article, we will explore several use cases of the tt command and see how it can be used to enhance your typing ability.

Use Case 1: Starting quote mode with the builtin quote list in English


tt -quotes en

Motivation Quote mode in tt allows you to type famous quotes and passages from various sources. By using the tt -quotes en command, we can start a typing test specifically with a built-in quote list in English. This can be a fun way to challenge yourself with well-known quotes and improve your accuracy and typing speed.

Explanation The -quotes en argument specifies the language of the quotes to be used in the typing test. In this case, en represents English. By providing this argument, tt will generate a test containing quotes in English.

Example Output

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
"Hello world!" - A common programming phrase.
"To be or not to be, that is the question."

Use Case 2: Producing a test with randomly drawn words


tt -n 10 -g 5

Motivation Sometimes, rather than typing entire quotes or passages, you may want to focus on improving typing individual words. By using the -n and -g arguments, we can generate a shorter test consisting of randomly drawn words. This can be useful for quick practice sessions or testing specific types of words.

Explanation The -n argument specifies the number of words to include in the test. In this case, we set it to 10 words. The -g argument indicates the number of groups to divide the words into. Here, we have set it to 5 groups, each containing 10 words.

Example Output


Use Case 3: Starting a timed test


tt -t 10

Motivation In certain situations, such as job interviews or competitions, you may be required to perform typing tasks within a specified time limit. The -t argument allows us to start a timed test, where we can set the duration for the test. This feature helps to simulate real-world scenarios and puts your typing skills to the test under time pressure.

Explanation The -t argument is used to specify the duration of the test in seconds. In this example, we have set it to 10 seconds.

Example Output

Start typing now...
Time's up!
Your typing speed: 60 WPM (Words Per Minute)

Use Case 4: Starting tt with no theming and showing WPM as you type


tt -showwpm -notheme

Motivation Sometimes, you may prefer a minimalistic typing environment without distractions. By using the -showwpm and -notheme arguments, you can customize the appearance of the tt tool. This use case suits individuals who want a clean and distraction-free typing experience while still monitoring their words per minute (WPM) performance.

Explanation The -showwpm argument enables the display of the current typing speed in WPM as you type. The -notheme argument removes any theming or styling from the tt tool, providing a basic and minimalistic interface.

Example Output

Start typing now...
Hello world!
Your typing speed: 80 WPM

This is a test.
Your typing speed: 75 WPM



Improving your typing skills is a great investment of time for various reasons, including increased productivity and enhanced accuracy. tt provides a convenient way to practice and track your typing speed right from your terminal. In this article, we explored different use cases of the tt command, including starting quote mode, producing tests with randomly drawn words, starting timed tests, and customizing the appearance. By utilizing these features, you can make your typing practice sessions more enjoyable and effective.

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