How to use the command 'twine' (with examples)

How to use the command 'twine' (with examples)

The ’twine’ command is a utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI (Python Package Index). PyPI is a repository of software for the Python programming language, where developers can upload their Python packages and make them available for others to install and use. The ’twine’ command provides various options for uploading packages to PyPI, verifying their correctness, and customizing the upload process.

Use case 1: Upload to PyPI


twine upload dist/*

Motivation: The ’twine upload’ command allows you to upload your Python package distribution files to PyPI. This is useful when you want to share your package with the Python community and make it easily installable by others.


  • upload is the subcommand used to upload packages.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Upload successful.

Use case 2: Upload to the Test PyPI repository to verify things look right


twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

Motivation: The Test PyPI repository is a separate PyPI-like system where you can test the upload process and verify that your package is being uploaded correctly. This helps ensure that everything looks right before uploading to the production PyPI.


  • -r testpypi specifies the repository to upload the package to, in this case, the Test PyPI repository.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Upload successful.

Use case 3: Upload to PyPI with a specified username and password


twine upload -u username -p password dist/*

Motivation: The ’twine upload’ command requires authentication to upload packages to PyPI. By specifying a username and password, you can provide the authentication credentials required for the upload.


  • -u username specifies the username to use for authentication.
  • -p password specifies the password to use for authentication.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Upload successful.

Use case 4: Upload to an alternative repository URL


twine upload --repository-url repository_url dist/*

Motivation: By default, the ’twine upload’ command uploads packages to the PyPI repository. However, you may want to upload your package to a different repository with a custom URL. This option allows you to specify an alternative repository URL for the upload.


  • --repository-url repository_url specifies the URL of the repository to upload the package to. Replace ‘repository_url’ with the actual URL of the desired repository.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to https://repository-url/...
Upload successful.

Use case 5: Check that your distribution’s long description should render correctly on PyPI


twine check dist/*

Motivation: Before uploading your package to PyPI, it is important to verify that the long description of your package, usually provided in the ‘README’ file, renders correctly on the PyPI package page. This helps ensure that the documentation for your package is easily readable and understandable by others.


  • check is the subcommand used to check the long description of your package.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Checking distributions from dist/...
All checks passed.

Use case 6: Upload using a specific pypirc configuration file


twine upload --config-file configuration_file dist/*

Motivation: The ’twine’ command supports the use of a configuration file (usually named ‘.pypirc’) to store commonly used parameters, such as the PyPI repository URL, username, and password. This option allows you to specify a specific configuration file for the upload process.


  • --config-file configuration_file specifies the path to the configuration file to use. Replace ‘configuration_file’ with the actual path of your configuration file.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Upload successful.

Use case 7: Continue uploading files if one already exists (only valid when uploading to PyPI)


twine upload --skip-existing dist/*

Motivation: When uploading a new version of a package that already exists on PyPI, the ’twine’ command will, by default, raise an error and stop the upload process. However, in some cases, you may want to continue uploading the remaining files even if one of them already exists. This option allows you to skip the existing files and continue with the remaining files.


  • --skip-existing specifies that existing files should be skipped during the upload process.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Skipping existing file: package-1.0.tar.gz
Upload successful.

Use case 8: Upload to PyPI showing detailed information


twine upload --verbose dist/*

Motivation: The ’twine’ command provides a default level of verbosity when uploading packages to PyPI. However, if you want more detailed information about the upload process, including the progress of individual files and any warnings or errors encountered, you can use the ‘–verbose’ option.


  • --verbose specifies that detailed information should be shown during the upload process.
  • dist/* specifies the path to the distribution files of your package, which should be in the ‘dist’ directory. The ‘*’ wildcard character is used to match all files in the directory.

Example output:

Uploading distributions to
Uploading package-1.0.tar.gz
100%|█████████████████████████████████| 13.7k/13.7k [00:00<00:00, 22.3kB/s]

Uploaded package-1.0.tar.gz (13.7 kB)
Upload successful.


The ’twine’ command is a powerful utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI. It provides a range of options for uploading packages, verifying their correctness, and customizing the upload process. By understanding and utilizing these different use cases, you can effectively publish your Python packages and make them accessible to the wider Python community.

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