How to Use the Command 'twurl' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'twurl' (with Examples)

Twurl is a specialized command-line tool similar to curl, but designed specifically to interface with the Twitter API. It helps developers interact with Twitter’s web services by handling authentication and simplifying requests to Twitter’s API endpoints. This allows for easier integration of Twitter functionalities into applications.

Authorize twurl to Access a Twitter Account


twurl authorize --consumer-key twitter_api_key --consumer-secret twitter_api_secret

Authorization is a crucial first step when interacting with any API, as it establishes a secure channel for communication. By authorizing twurl with your Twitter account, you are officially allowing the tool to make requests on your behalf, ensuring that these interactions remain secure and personalized.


  • authorize: This tells twurl that the command is to authorize the application to access an account.
  • --consumer-key: This argument specifies the consumer key obtained from Twitter, necessary for making API requests.
  • twitter_api_key: The placeholder for your actual Twitter API consumer key.
  • --consumer-secret: This argument indicates the consumer secret associated with your API key.
  • twitter_api_secret: Replaceable with your personal Twitter API consumer secret.

Example Output:
Upon successful authorization, twurl will store access credentials, making it convenient for future API requests without requiring reauthorization.

Make a GET Request to an API Endpoint


twurl -X GET twitter_api_endpoint

GET requests are fundamental for retrieving data. When using twurl, a typical use case might be retrieving a timeline of tweets, user details, or recent trends, allowing for integration of this data in various applications.


  • -X GET: This indicates the type of HTTP request, which is GET, used primarily for fetching data from the server.
  • twitter_api_endpoint: Represents the specific Twitter API URL from which data is being requested, such as recent tweets or user information.

Example Output:
A successfully executed GET request will typically return JSON data of the requested resource, such as recent tweets from a user’s timeline.

Make a POST Request to an API Endpoint


twurl -X POST -d 'endpoint_params' twitter_api_endpoint

POST requests are used when you need to send data to a server to create or update a resource, such as sending a tweet or creating a thread. This interaction enables more dynamic applications, offering user engagement directly from your platform.


  • -X POST: Specifies that the HTTP request is of type POST, used commonly for submitting data to a server.
  • -d 'endpoint_params': The data being sent along with the POST request, often in the form of key-value pairs, like the content of a tweet.
  • twitter_api_endpoint: The URL of the Twitter API endpoint that handles POST requests and interacts with the corresponding resource.

Example Output:
A POST request will typically return confirmation of the action taken, such as acknowledgement of a new tweet being posted.

Upload Media to Twitter


twurl -H "twitter_upload_url" -X POST "twitter_upload_endpoint" --file "path/to/media.jpg" --file-field "media"

Uploading media enriches user interactions on Twitter. Integrating media uploads from an external application can significantly increase engagement, reinforcing visual communication through tweets with images or videos.


  • -H "twitter_upload_url": Specifies the host, directing the request to Twitter’s media upload URL.
  • -X POST: Indicates a POST request to submit data.
  • "twitter_upload_endpoint": The endpoint dedicated to media uploads within Twitter API.
  • --file "path/to/media.jpg": Denotes the path and the file name of the media being uploaded.
  • --file-field "media": Defines the file field needed for Twitter’s endpoint to recognize the transmitted media data.

Example Output:
After a successful media upload command, Twitter returns an identifier for the uploaded media, which can be utilized in subsequent tweets.

Access a Different Twitter API Host


twurl -H twitter_api_url -X GET twitter_api_endpoint

Different API hosts serve distinct functionalities; understanding these distinctions is vital for developers to access specific services like data analytics or different types of API requests outside the standard user endpoints.


  • -H twitter_api_url: Specifies the target API host.
  • -X GET: The request type, which remains a GET request for data retrieval.
  • twitter_api_endpoint: The API endpoint matched to the selected host.

Example Output:
This command will successfully return data, ensuring that twurl can communicate across various Twitter API surfaces.

Create an Alias for a Requested Resource


twurl alias alias_name resource

Creating aliases simplifies repetitive commands. Developers often revisit the same resources, and using aliases can streamline development by reducing complexity in command structures.


  • alias: The command to create an alias within twurl.
  • alias_name: A user-defined shortcut for recalling a specific resource or command.
  • resource: The actual API resource URL or configuration the alias points to.

Example Output:
With an alias set, you can execute subsequent commands with ease, using the shorthand alias rather than the full command.


In summary, twurl is a robust tool for developers looking to seamlessly interact with Twitter’s API. It simplifies the process of authorization, data retrieval, and modification, with added perks like media uploads and custom aliases, enhancing productivity and integration capabilities for applications that seek to leverage Twitter’s rich dataset.

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