How to use the command tzutil (with examples)

How to use the command tzutil (with examples)

The tzutil command is a useful tool for displaying or configuring the system time zone in Windows. It provides several options to retrieve information about the current time zone, display a list of available time zones, and set the system time zone to a specific value.

Use case 1: Get the current time zone


tzutil /g


  • This use case is helpful when you need to quickly check the current time zone of your Windows system.


  • The /g option is used to retrieve the current time zone of the system.

Example output:

Pacific Standard Time

Use case 2: Display a list of available time zones


tzutil /l


  • This use case can be useful when you want to view all the available time zones on your Windows system.


  • The /l option is used to display a list of all available time zones. Each time zone is represented by a unique identifier.

Example output:

Central Standard Time
Eastern Standard Time

Use case 3: Set the system time zone to the specific value


tzutil /s timezone_id


  • This use case is applicable when you want to change the system time zone to a particular value.


  • The /s option is used to set the system time zone. You need to provide the timezone_id, which is the identifier of the desired time zone. The timezone_id can be obtained from the list of available time zones using the /l option.


tzutil /s "Central Standard Time"

Example output:


The tzutil command is a versatile tool for managing the system time zone in Windows. Whether you need to retrieve the current time zone, view available time zones, or set the system time zone to a specific value, tzutil provides the necessary functionality to accomplish these tasks efficiently.

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