Understanding and Managing File Permissions with umask (with examples)

Understanding and Managing File Permissions with umask (with examples)

Display the current mask in octal notation


Motivation: This use case allows you to quickly check the current mask (file permission settings) in the octal notation format. It helps you understand which permissions are currently masked out for newly created files.

Explanation: When you run umask without any arguments, it simply displays the current mask value in the octal notation. The octal notation represents the permissions that are masked out (restricted) for new files created by the user.

Example output:


In this example output, the mask is set to “0022”, which means that the write (2) and execute (2) permissions are masked out for all users (including the file’s owner), while the read (4) permission is allowed for all users.

Display the current mask in symbolic mode

umask -S

Motivation: This use case allows you to visualize the current mask in a more human-readable symbolic mode. It helps you understand the masked out permissions using symbols like “r” (read), “w” (write), and “x” (execute).

Explanation: By using the -S flag, the umask command outputs the current mask value in symbolic mode. Symbolic mode represents the masked out permissions using the symbolic characters “u” (user/owner), “g” (group), and “o” (others) along with “r” (read), “w” (write), and “x” (execute).

Example output:


In this example output, the mask is set to allow read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions for the file’s owner (u) and the group (g), while allowing only read (r) and execute (x) permissions for others (o).

Change the mask symbolically to allow read permission for all users

umask a+r

Motivation: This use case helps you modify the mask to change the default permissions for newly created files. By allowing read permission for all users, you can ensure that the contents of newly created files can be accessed by everyone.

Explanation: The a+r argument adds the read (r) permission for all three categories of users: the file’s owner, the group, and others. This command modifies the mask symbolically while leaving the rest of the mask bits unchanged.

Example output: (assuming the mask was previously set to “0022”)


In this example output, the mask is updated to “0002”, which means that only the write (2) and execute (2) permissions are masked out, while the read (4) permission is allowed for all users.

Set the mask (using octal) to restrict no permissions for the file’s owner, and restrict all permissions for everyone else

umask 077

Motivation: This use case allows you to explicitly set the mask using the octal notation. It helps you restrict all permissions for everyone else except the file’s owner, giving you full control over the file’s permissions.

Explanation: The 077 argument sets the mask using the octal notation. The first digit (0) indicates that the mask applies to the file’s owner, and the remaining two digits (77) indicate the permissions to be masked out for others (including the group and others). In this case, all permissions (read, write, and execute) are restricted for others, while no permissions are restricted for the file’s owner.

Example output:


In this example output, the mask is set to “0000”, which means that no permissions are masked out for the file’s owner, while all permissions are masked out for others. This ensures that only the file’s owner can read, write, and execute the file.

By exploring these different use cases of the umask command, users can gain a better understanding of managing file permissions and tailor them according to their specific needs.

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