How to use the command unalias (with examples)

How to use the command unalias (with examples)

The unalias command is used to remove aliases in Linux. An alias is a user-defined shortcut for a command or a series of commands. When an alias is defined, the system will substitute the alias with its corresponding commands whenever it is used. The unalias command allows you to remove specific aliases or all aliases at once.

Use case 1: Remove an alias


unalias alias_name

Motivation: You may have defined an alias that is no longer needed or that is causing conflicts with another command. By removing the alias, you can ensure that the original command is executed instead.

Explanation: The unalias command is followed by the name of the alias you want to remove. In this use case, alias_name is a placeholder for the actual name of the alias you want to remove.

Example output:

Suppose you have defined the following alias:

alias ll='ls -la'

By running the command unalias ll, the ll alias will be removed.

Use case 2: Remove all aliases


unalias -a

Motivation: If you have a large number of aliases defined and you want to remove them all at once, using the -a option with the unalias command will save you time and effort.

Explanation: The -a option stands for “all” and is used to remove all aliases.

Example output:

Suppose you have defined the following aliases:

alias ll='ls -la'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'

By running the command unalias -a, both aliases will be removed.


The unalias command is a useful tool for removing aliases in Linux. Whether you want to remove a specific alias or clear all aliases at once, the unalias command provides a straightforward solution. By understanding the different use cases and how to use the command, you can effectively manage and modify your alias configurations.

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