How to Use the Command 'unar' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'unar' (with Examples)

‘unar’ is a versatile command-line tool designed for extracting contents from various types of archive files with ease. This utility supports a wide range of archive formats, including ZIP, RAR, TAR, and many others, making it an indispensable tool for users who frequently work with compressed files. Its simple syntax and array of options allow for flexible extraction processes, catering to different user needs, whether you want to extract files into a specific directory, handle existing files, or automate the extraction process.

Use Case 1: Extract an Archive to the Current Directory


unar path/to/archive

Motivation: Sometimes, you simply want to extract the contents of an archive file to the current working directory without any additional specifications. This basic use case is ideal when you’re working in an environment where the archive file and all its contents are placed in the directory you are currently using, enabling quick and straightforward access to the extracted files.


  • unar: This is the command used to extract files from an archive.
  • path/to/archive: This indicates the specific path to the archive file that you want to extract. It can be a relative path or an absolute path, depending on where the file is located in the filesystem.

Example Output: After executing the command, the output might look like this:

Extracting archive:
Done: 100%
Extracted file1.txt
Extracted file2.jpg
Extracted folder/

Use Case 2: Extract an Archive to the Specified Directory


unar -o path/to/directory path/to/archive

Motivation: When handling multiple projects or organizing different files, you might want to extract the contents of an archive to a specific directory rather than cluttering the current one. This is especially useful if you are categorizing files by project or task, thereby maintaining a clean workspace with structured directories.


  • unar: The command to extract files.
  • -o: The -o option specifies the output directory where the extracted files should be saved.
  • path/to/directory: This is the path to the desired output directory.
  • path/to/archive: This is the path to the archive you wish to extract.

Example Output: After extraction, you may receive a confirmation like:

Extracting archive: to directory/path
Done: 100%
Files extracted to "directory/path"

Use Case 3: Force Overwrite if Files to be Unpacked Already Exist


unar -f path/to/archive

Motivation: If you’re dealing with updating files or restating data to its original state, you might need to overwrite existing files with the same names. Using the force overwrite option helps automate this process and avoid manual deletions or confirmations, thus saving time and reducing error scope.


  • unar: Command for extraction.
  • -f: The -f option forces the overwrite of files that already exist at the destination with new ones from the archive.
  • path/to/archive: Path pointing to the archive file.

Example Output: After running the command, the output will indicate the overwriting process:

Extracting archive:
File file1.txt exists, overwriting...
File file2.jpg exists, overwriting...
Extraction complete with overwrites

Use Case 4: Force Rename if Files to be Unpacked Already Exist


unar -r path/to/archive

Motivation: When the preservation of existing files is critical, but you still need the new versions, forcing a rename during extraction is a practical solution. This use case is helpful for preserving previous work while still gaining access to the latest files without risk of overwriting anything accidentally.


  • unar: The command for extracting files.
  • -r: The -r option enables auto-renaming of extracted files if any conflicts with existing file names arise.
  • path/to/archive: This is the archive you’re extracting.

Example Output: The output demonstrates how files are renamed upon conflict:

Extracting archive:
File file1.txt exists, renaming to file1_1.txt
File file2.jpg exists, renaming to file2_1.jpg
Finished extracting with renames

Use Case 5: Force Skip if Files to be Unpacked Already Exist


unar -s path/to/archive

Motivation: In situations where you want to extract only new content because existing files are still relevant, skipping files when a conflict arises is ideal. This is efficient for maintaining the integrity of existing files while still allowing you to expand your collection of data with new or updated information.


  • unar: The utility used for extracting archives.
  • -s: The -s option tells the command to ignore files during extraction if a file with the same name already exists.
  • path/to/archive: Path directing to the source archive.

Example Output: After execution, the output will reflect skipped files:

Extracting archive:
File file1.txt exists, skipping...
File file3.jpg extracted
Finished extracting with skips


The unar command offers various options for extracting archive files, each tailored to specific scenarios. Whether you need to simply extract files, manage existing contents by overwriting, renaming, or skipping, unar provides a straightforward means to efficiently manage archives. These examples demonstrate how to leverage ‘unar’ for various extraction tasks, making it a versatile tool in your command-line toolkit.

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