Using the `uncompress` command (with examples)

Using the `uncompress` command (with examples)

The uncompress command in Unix is used to decompress files that have been compressed using the compress command. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the uncompress command and provide code examples for each case.

Uncompress specific files

uncompress path/to/file1.Z path/to/file2.Z ...


This use case is useful when we want to decompress specific files that have been compressed using the compress command. By passing the paths of the compressed files as arguments to the uncompress command, we can easily decompress them.


In this use case, the uncompress command is followed by the paths of the files we want to decompress. The command will decompress each file and create a corresponding uncompressed file with the same name and location, removing the .Z extension.

Example output:

path/to/file1.Z: 99.4% -- replaced with path/to/file1
path/to/file2.Z: 100.0% -- replaced with path/to/file2

Uncompress specific files while ignoring non-existent ones

uncompress -f path/to/file1.Z path/to/file2.Z ...


Sometimes, we may want to decompress specific files, but ignore any file that does not exist. By using the -f flag, we can achieve this behavior.


In this use case, we add the -f flag before the paths of the files we want to decompress. If any of the specified files do not exist, the uncompress command will ignore them and continue decompressing the existing files.

Example output:

path/to/file1.Z: 99.4% -- replaced with path/to/file1
path/to/file2.Z: 100.0% -- replaced with path/to/file2

Write to stdout (no files are changed and no .Z files are created)

uncompress -c path/to/file1.Z path/to/file2.Z ...


There may be cases where we need to securely examine the contents of compressed files without actually decompressing them. By using the -c flag, the uncompress command writes the uncompressed data to the standard output (stdout) instead of creating uncompressed files on disk.


In this use case, we include the -c flag before the paths of the files we want to decompress. The uncompress command will output the uncompressed data to the console, allowing us to analyze or redirect it to another command or file.

Example output:

This is the uncompressed content of file1.Z

This is the uncompressed content of file2.Z

Verbose mode (write to stderr about percentage reduction or expansion)

uncompress -v path/to/file1.Z path/to/file2.Z ...


When decompressing files, it can be beneficial to have visibility into the compression ratio achieved by the compress command. The -v flag enables verbose mode, which provides information about the percentage reduction or expansion of each file being decompressed.


In this use case, we include the -v flag before the paths of the files we want to decompress. The uncompress command will display information about the percentage reduction or expansion for each file on the standard error (stderr), allowing us to track the efficiency of the compression algorithm.

Example output:

path/to/file1.Z: 99.4% -- replaced with path/to/file1
path/to/file2.Z: 100.0% -- replaced with path/to/file2


In this article, we explored different use cases of the uncompress command in Unix. We provided code examples for each case and discussed their motivations, explanations, and example outputs. The uncompress command is a useful tool for decompressing files that have been compressed using the compress command, allowing us to easily handle compressed data in Unix environments.

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