How to Use the Command 'unison' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'unison' (with examples)

Unison is a powerful bidirectional file synchronization tool that allows users to keep directories in sync across different systems. Unlike a simple file copy command, Unison can intelligently synchronize changes between two directories, making it a suitable choice for managing files between computers, ensuring backup integrity, and keeping files consistent without the risk of overwrites.

Use Case 1: Sync Two Directories


unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2


The primary goal of synchronizing two directories is to ensure that any changes made in one directory are reflected in the other. This use case is particularly useful for developers or anyone who works across multiple computers, such as a desktop at work and a laptop at home. By synchronizing directories, you ensure that you always have a consistent set of files, no matter which device you are using. Unison creates a log the first time two directories are synchronized, which helps track changes and resolve any potential conflicts in the future. This operation guarantees that the directories are mirrors of each other.


  • unison: This is the command-line tool being used for synchronization.
  • path/to/directory_1: This argument specifies the path to the first directory you want to sync. It can be an absolute or relative path.
  • path/to/directory_2: This specifies the path to the second directory you want to sync with the first. It also can be an absolute or relative path.

Example Output:

Contacting server...
Looking for changes
Reconciling changes
Propagating updates
UNISON 2.53.0 (OCaml 4.06.1): Contacting server...
Connected [//hostname.local//path/to/directory]
Synchronization complete at 12:45:56  (1 item transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failures)

Use Case 2: Automatically Accept the (Non-Conflicting) Defaults


unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2 -auto


Automation is a significant advantage when dealing with file synchronizations. The -auto option is essential for users who want to expedite the synchronization process by automatically accepting any non-conflicting default decisions Unison makes. This is particularly useful in situations where files do not frequently change in ways that lead to conflicts, such as personal documents or media collections. Using this option makes routine synchronization tasks faster and requires less interaction, allowing users to focus on other tasks.


  • -auto: This flag tells Unison to resolve any synchronization questions by automatically accepting the default action for non-conflicting changes. This means that for straightforward file additions, deletions, or updates where there is no ambiguity, Unison will decide without prompting you.

Example Output:

Looking for changes
Reconciling changes
Propagating updates
Synchronization complete at 13:04:32  (2 items transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failures)

Use Case 3: Ignore Some Files Using a Pattern


unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2 -ignore pattern


Not all files might be relevant for synchronization. For example, temporary files, logs, or binary files like .DS_Store on macOS and .class files generated during Java development might be better left unsynchronized. The -ignore option allows users to exclude files matching a specific pattern from the synchronization process. This customization can lead to faster synchronizations, less network usage, and avoids backing up unnecessary files.


  • -ignore pattern: This option allows you to specify a pattern that determines which files should be ignored during synchronization. For instance, you could use -ignore "Name *.tmp" to ignore all files ending in .tmp.

Example Output:

Looking for changes
Reconciling changes
Propagating updates
Ignoring file matching pattern: *.tmp
Synchronization complete at 13:22:14  (0 items transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failures)

Use Case 4: View Documentation


unison -doc topics


Understanding how to use Unison’s numerous features effectively can significantly enhance your file synchronization setup. The -doc option provides access to the in-built documentation, allowing users to explore various topics and learn about different options and configurations. This is especially useful for new users trying to grasp the full potential of the command or for experienced users looking to refine their usage.


  • -doc topics: This command provides access to Unison’s documentation, presenting topics that you can navigate to learn more about available options and configurations.

Example Output:

Documentation topics: 
  - batch
  - backup
  - contactquietly
  - debug
  (use 'unison -doc <topic>' to get more information on a given topic)


Unison is a versatile and efficient tool for managing directory synchronization between different systems. By understanding and using the available options, users can tailor their synchronization process to specific needs, leading to more efficient file management. Whether one is aiming for the complete automation of file updates, the exclusion of unnecessary files, or diving deep into the rich documentation, Unison offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining consistent data across multiple environments.

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