Using Unison (with examples)

Using Unison (with examples)

Unison is a bidirectional file synchronization tool that allows you to keep directories on different machines or storage devices in sync. It provides a simple command-line interface and is known for its reliability and efficiency. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the unison command with code examples to illustrate its capabilities.

Use Case 1: Sync Two Directories

The unison command can be used to synchronize two directories. This is done by comparing the contents of the directories and transferring the necessary files to make them identical. Here is an example code for syncing two directories:

unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2

Motivation: You might have two directories, one on your local machine and another on a remote server, and you want to keep them in sync. By running unison, you can ensure that any changes made in either directory are propagated to the other.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • path/to/directory_1: The path to the first directory that you want to sync.
  • path/to/directory_2: The path to the second directory that you want to sync.

Example Output: The output of this command will display the changes that are being made, such as files being copied or deleted, and the progress of the synchronization.

Use Case 2: Automatically Accept Defaults

The unison command allows you to automatically accept the default choices for non-conflicting files. This can be useful when you want to synchronize directories without any manual intervention. Here is an example code for automatically accepting defaults:

unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2 -auto

Motivation: Manually accepting the defaults for non-conflicting files can be time-consuming. By using the -auto flag, you can automate this process and save time when synchronizing directories.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • path/to/directory_1: The path to the first directory that you want to sync.
  • path/to/directory_2: The path to the second directory that you want to sync.
  • -auto: Automatically accepts the default choices for non-conflicting files.

Example Output: The output of this command will show the progress of the synchronization, indicating which files are being copied or deleted automatically.

Use Case 3: Ignore Files Using a Pattern

Sometimes, you may want to exclude certain files or directories from the synchronization process. Unison provides the ability to ignore specific files using a pattern. Here is an example code for ignoring files using a pattern:

unison path/to/directory_1 path/to/directory_2 -ignore pattern

Motivation: There might be certain files or directories that you don’t want to synchronize for various reasons, such as temporary files or cache directories. By using the -ignore flag, you can specify a pattern to exclude these files from the synchronization process.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • path/to/directory_1: The path to the first directory that you want to sync.
  • path/to/directory_2: The path to the second directory that you want to sync.
  • -ignore pattern: Specifies the pattern to match files or directories that should be ignored during synchronization. The pattern can be a wildcard or a regular expression.

Example Output: The output of this command will not display anything specific to the ignore pattern. Instead, it will show the progress of the synchronization, excluding the ignored files.

Use Case 4: Show Documentation

Unison provides detailed documentation on various topics to help users understand its features and usage. You can use the -doc flag along with specific topics to access the relevant documentation. Here is an example code for showing the documentation:

unison -doc topics

Motivation: If you want to learn more about a particular feature, configuration option, or troubleshooting steps, accessing the documentation will provide you with the necessary information. It can be helpful for both beginners and experienced users of Unison.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • -doc topics: Specifies the topic or section of the documentation you want to access. Replace “topics” with the specific topic you are interested in.

Example Output: The output of this command will display the relevant documentation for the specified topic. It may include explanations, examples, and configuration options associated with the topic.


By exploring the various use cases of the unison command with code examples, we have demonstrated the versatility and power of this bidirectional file synchronization tool. Whether you need to sync directories, automate synchronization, ignore certain files, or access documentation, Unison provides the necessary features to simplify the process. Be sure to refer to the Unison manual for a comprehensive understanding of all available options and configurations.

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