How to use the command unix2dos (with examples)

How to use the command unix2dos (with examples)

The unix2dos command is used to change Unix-style line endings to DOS-style by replacing LF (line feed) with CRLF (carriage return and line feed). This command is typically used when working with files that will be used or viewed in Windows environments, as Windows uses the DOS-style line endings.

Use case 1: Change the line endings of a file


unix2dos path/to/file

Motivation: When working with files in a Unix environment that will eventually be used or opened in a Windows environment, it is necessary to convert the line endings to DOS-style. This can be done using the unix2dos command.

Explanation: This command takes the path to a file as an argument and converts the line endings of the file from Unix-style to DOS-style. The original file will be overwritten with the modified version.

Example output:

Converted file 'path/to/file' to DOS-style line endings.

Use case 2: Create a copy with DOS-style line endings


unix2dos -n path/to/unix_file path/to/dos_file

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to create a copy of a file with DOS-style line endings, while keeping the original file intact. This can be useful when working with version control systems or when you want to preserve the formatting of the original file.

Explanation: This command takes two arguments: the path to the original file with Unix-style line endings (path/to/unix_file) and the path to the new file that will have the DOS-style line endings (path/to/dos_file). The -n option is used to prevent the original file from being modified.

Example output:

Created a copy of 'path/to/unix_file' with DOS-style line endings at 'path/to/dos_file'.


The unix2dos command is a useful tool for converting Unix-style line endings to DOS-style. It can be used to change the line endings of a file or create a copy with DOS-style line endings. This command helps ensure that files are compatible with Windows environments and can be opened or used correctly.

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