How to use the command unix2mac (with examples)

How to use the command unix2mac (with examples)

The unix2mac command is used to change Unix-style line endings to macOS-style line endings. It replaces LF (line feed) with CR (carriage return), making it useful when working with files that have been created or edited on Unix systems and need to be compatible with macOS.

Use case 1: Change the line endings of a file


unix2mac path/to/file

Motivation: When a file has Unix-style line endings and needs to be opened and edited on a macOS system, it may not be displayed correctly or have formatting issues. By using the unix2mac command, the line endings can be converted to macOS-style, ensuring proper display and compatibility.

Explanation: In this use case, the command unix2mac is followed by the path to the file that needs its line endings changed. The command will modify the file in-place, replacing LF (line feed) characters with CR (carriage return) characters.

Example output: If the original file had the following contents:

This is a Unix-style
file with line endings.

After running the command unix2mac path/to/file, the file will now have macOS-style line endings:

This is a Unix-style
file with line endings.

Use case 2: Create a copy with macOS-style line endings


unix2mac -n path/to/unix_file path/to/mac_file

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to keep the original file intact and create a copy with macOS-style line endings. This can be useful when working with version control systems, maintaining different formatting options for different platforms, or creating backups.

Explanation: In this use case, the command unix2mac is followed by the option -n which indicates that a new file should be created. After -n, the path to the original file with Unix-style line endings is specified, followed by the path where the new file with macOS-style line endings should be saved.

Example output: Suppose we have an original file located at path/to/unix_file with the following contents:

This is a Unix-style line endings file.

After running the command unix2mac -n path/to/unix_file path/to/mac_file, a new file will be created at path/to/mac_file with the updated line endings. The contents of path/to/mac_file will be:

This is a Unix-style
line endings file.


The unix2mac command is a handy tool for converting Unix-style line endings to macOS-style line endings. Whether you need to modify the line endings of a file in-place or create a copy with different line endings, this command provides a simple solution. By using these examples, you can ensure that your files are compatible with macOS and properly displayed on your system.

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