How to use the command updatedb (with examples)

How to use the command updatedb (with examples)

The updatedb command is used to create or update the database used by locate. This command is typically run daily by cron. By keeping the database up-to-date, it allows the locate command to quickly find files and directories on the system.

Use case 1: Refresh database content


sudo updatedb

Motivation: The motivation behind refreshing the database content is to ensure that the database accurately reflects the current state of the file system. This can be useful after installing new software or after files and directories have been added, deleted, or renamed.


  • sudo: This command is run with superuser privileges to ensure that it has permission to access all files and directories on the system.
  • updatedb: This is the main command that triggers the update process of the database used by locate.

Example output:

Building database of files...  Done.

Use case 2: Display file names as soon as they are found


sudo updatedb --verbose

Motivation: The motivation behind displaying file names as soon as they are found is to provide real-time feedback on the progress of building the database. This can be helpful when troubleshooting or when there is a need to monitor the process closely.


  • sudo: This command is run with superuser privileges to ensure that it has permission to access all files and directories on the system.
  • updatedb: This is the main command that triggers the update process of the database used by locate.
  • --verbose: This option is used to display file names as soon as they are found.

Example output:

Scanning directory '/etc/security/opasswd'... 0 entries indexed.
Scanning directory '/etc/security'... 41 entries indexed.
Scanning directory '/etc/postfix/sasl'... 0 entries indexed.


The updatedb command is a powerful tool for maintaining an up-to-date database used by locate. It allows you to refresh the database content and display file names as they are found. By understanding the different use cases and options available, you can leverage the command effectively for your needs.

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