How to use the command "updpkgsums" (with examples)

How to use the command "updpkgsums" (with examples)

The “updpkgsums” command is used to update the checksums of the sources in a PKGBUILD file. It automatically computes the hash of each source file specified in the PKGBUILD and updates the checksums accordingly. By default, SHA256 is used as the hashing algorithm, but you can also specify a different algorithm if needed.

Use case 1: Update the checksums in a PKGBUILD



Motivation: When developing or maintaining a package in the Arch Linux distribution, it is important to ensure that the source files have correct checksums. This is necessary to detect any inconsistencies or tampering with the source files, which could potentially compromise the integrity of the package. The “updpkgsums” command provides a quick and easy way to update the checksums in the PKGBUILD file.

Explanation: The code updpkgsums will update the checksums of all the source files specified in the PKGBUILD file. It will use the default SHA256 hashing algorithm to compute the checksums.

Example output:

  -> Computing checksums for source files...
  -> Finished. The updated PKGBUILD is written to PKGBUILD.

Use case 2: Display Version


updpkgsums -v

Motivation: Sometimes, it is useful to know the version of the “updpkgsums” command being used. This can be helpful, especially when troubleshooting issues or when trying to determine if you have the latest version of the command installed.

Explanation: The -v option is used to display the version of the “updpkgsums” command.

Example output:

updpkgsums 1.2.3

Use case 3: Display help


updpkgsums -h

Motivation: If you are unsure about how to use the “updpkgsums” command or need a quick reminder of the available options and their usage, the -h option provides a convenient way to display the help information.

Explanation: The -h option is used to display the help message, which includes information about the command’s usage and available options.

Example output:

Usage: updpkgsums [options]

  -h, --help     Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  Display version information and exit

Update the checksums of the sources in a PKGBUILD.

Unless a preexisting hash program is specified in the PKGBUILD,
SHA256 will be used.


The “updpkgsums” command is a useful tool for updating the checksums of source files in a PKGBUILD. It ensures the integrity of the package and can help identify any tampering with the source files. Additionally, it provides options to display the version and help information, making it easier to use and troubleshoot.

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