How to use the command 'uprecords' (with examples)

How to use the command 'uprecords' (with examples)

The ‘uprecords’ command is used to display a summary of historical uptime records. It provides information about the duration of the system’s uptime and the kernel version. This can be useful for keeping track of the system’s reliability and understanding its historical performance.

Use case 1: Display a summary of the top 10 historical uptime records



Motivation: This use case allows users to quickly view a summary of the top 10 uptime records, which can provide insight into the system’s historical performance. It can help identify any patterns or trends in uptime and downtime.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘uprecords’ command is executed without any arguments. This defaults to displaying the top 10 historical uptime records.

Example Output:

     #               Uptime  System                                     Unfortunate
     -                IDLE   kernel version                             Contests
     1      370 days, 13:06   Linux 5.11.0-34-generic                                  
     2      345 days, 22:11   Linux 5.11.0-27-generic                                  
     3      316 days, 11:28   Linux 5.11.0-22-generic                                  
     4      301 days, 03:30   Linux 5.11.0-16-generic                                  
     5      282 days, 18:26   Linux 5.11.0-14-generic                                  
     6      260 days, 05:30   Linux 5.11.0-12-generic                                  
     7      224 days, 17:17   Linux 5.11.0-11-generic                                  
     8      201 days, 09:43   Linux 5.11.0-10-generic                                  
     9      181 days, 09:40   Linux 5.11.0-6-generic                                   
    10      170 days, 12:16   Linux 5.11.0-5-generic                                   

Use case 2: Display the top 25 records


uprecords -m 25

Motivation: This use case is helpful when more detailed information about historical uptime records is required. By increasing the number of records displayed, users can get a broader picture of the system’s performance.

Explanation: The ‘-m’ option is used to specify the maximum number of records to display. In this case, the value is set to 25, indicating that the top 25 uptime records should be shown.

Example Output:

     #               Uptime  System                                     Unfortunate
     -                IDLE   kernel version                             Contests
     1      370 days, 13:06   Linux 5.11.0-34-generic                                  
     2      345 days, 22:11   Linux 5.11.0-27-generic                                  
     3      316 days, 11:28   Linux 5.11.0-22-generic                                  
     4      301 days, 03:30   Linux 5.11.0-16-generic                                  
     5      282 days, 18:26   Linux 5.11.0-14-generic                                  
     6      260 days, 05:30   Linux 5.11.0-12-generic                                  
     7      224 days, 17:17   Linux 5.11.0-11-generic                                  
     8      201 days, 09:43   Linux 5.11.0-10-generic                                  
     9      181 days, 09:40   Linux 5.11.0-6-generic                                   
    10      170 days, 12:16   Linux 5.11.0-5-generic                                   
    11      162 days, 07:18   Linux 5.11.0-4-generic                                   
    12      151 days, 18:14   Linux 5.8.0-59-generic                                   
    13      137 days, 17:19   Linux 5.11.0-3-generic                                   
    14      126 days, 07:57   Linux 5.8.0-58-generic                                   
    15      119 days, 09:35   Linux 5.8.0-55-generic                                   
    16      113 days, 14:37   Linux 5.8.0-53-generic                                   
    17      105 days, 08:30   Linux 5.11.0-2-generic                                   
    18      103 days, 07:23   Linux 5.8.0-54-generic                                   
    19       97 days, 09:49   Linux 5.8.0-56-generic                                   
    20       91 days, 14:41   Linux 5.8.0-57-generic                                   
    21       66 days, 05:28   Linux 5.8.0-48-generic                                   
    22       61 days, 03:45   Linux 5.8.0-49-generic                                   
    23       53 days, 22:47   Linux 5.8.0-50-generic                                   
    24       50 days, 10:36   Linux 5.8.0-51-generic                                   
    25       45 days, 21:04   Linux 5.8.0-52-generic                                    

Use case 3: Display the downtime between reboots instead of the kernel version


uprecords -d

Motivation: By showing the downtime between reboots instead of the kernel version, users can focus on analyzing the periods when the system was inactive or had experienced downtime. This can be valuable for identifying potential issues and understanding the system’s reliability.

Explanation: The ‘-d’ option is used to change the displayed information from the kernel version to the downtime between reboots.

Example Output:

     #               Uptime  System                                     Unfortunate
     -                IDLE   downtime between reboots                    Contests
     1      370 days, 13:06   0 days, 01:01                                             
     2      345 days, 22:11   0 days, 01:02                                             
     3      316 days, 11:28   0 days, 01:03                                             
     4      301 days, 03:30   0 days, 01:04                                             
     5      282 days, 18:26   0 days, 01:05                                             
     6      260 days, 05:30   0 days, 01:06                                             
     7      224 days, 17:17   0 days, 01:07                                             
     8      201 days, 09:43   0 days, 01:08                                             
     9      181 days, 09:40   0 days, 01:09                                             
    10      170 days, 12:16   0 days, 02:10                                             

Use case 4: Show the most recent reboots


uprecords -B

Motivation: This use case specifically focuses on displaying the most recent reboots recorded by ‘uprecords’. It can be particularly useful when troubleshooting or investigating recent system issues.

Explanation: The ‘-B’ option is used to show the most recent reboots instead of the long historical records.

Example Output:

     #               Uptime  System                                     Unfortunate
     -                IDLE   kernel version                             Contests
     1          1:34 hours   Linux 5.11.0-34-generic                                  
     2         18:42 hours   Linux 5.11.0-27-generic                                  
     3         20:03 hours   Linux 5.11.0-22-generic                                  
     4         22:14 hours   Linux 5.11.0-16-generic                                  
     5          6:04 hours   Linux 5.11.0-14-generic                                  
     6          6:54 hours   Linux 5.11.0-12-generic                                  
     7          3:03 hours   Linux 5.11.0-11-generic                                  
     8          3:05 hours   Linux 5.11.0-10-generic                                  
     9          3:36 hours   Linux 5.11.0-6-generic                                   
    10          3:33 hours   Linux 5.11.0-5-generic                                   

Use case 5: Don’t truncate information


uprecords -w

Motivation: By default, ‘uprecords’ truncates the uptime and downtime values, which can make it difficult to view the complete information, especially when identifying patterns. This use case ensures that the information is not truncated, providing a comprehensive summary.

Explanation: The ‘-w’ option is used to prevent the truncation of information, allowing the display of complete and untruncated uptime and downtime values.

Example Output:

     #               Uptime  System                                     Unfortunate
     -                IDLE   kernel version                             Contests
     1   122 days, 14:39:30   Linux 5.8.0-50-generic                      IDD-12345789
     2   104 days, 12:49:51   Linux 5.8.0-59-generic                      6th-33ca72a8
     3     99 days, 07:27:53   Linux 5.8.0-53-generic                      7th-203cb447
     4     89 days, 02:25:02   Linux 5.8.0-56-generic                      1st-8f56fdcc
     5     85 days, 08:53:42   Linux 5.8.0-58-generic                      nxt-a576cb1b
     6     76 days, 01:18:14   Linux 5.8.0-54-generic                      olg-398cb46e
     7     72 days, 07:46:15   Linux 5.8.0-55-generic                      ree-e8335651
     8     66 days, 06:44:11   Linux 5.8.0-57-generic                      ttl-5c4e8be8
     9     42 days, 13:07:18   Linux 5.11.0-27-generic                     syf-eb840e57
    10     40 days, 19:45:52   Linux 5.11.0-34-generic                     rat-2894ace0


The ‘uprecords’ command is a useful tool for viewing and analyzing historical uptime records. By using different options like ‘-m’, ‘-d’, ‘-B’, and ‘-w’, users can customize the output to suit their specific needs. Whether it’s understanding the system’s performance, identifying patterns, troubleshooting issues, or obtaining complete untruncated information, the ‘uprecords’ command provides valuable insights into the system’s uptime history.

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