How to use the command "uptime" (with examples)

How to use the command "uptime" (with examples)

The uptime command is a useful tool for checking the current system uptime, as well as providing information about the number of logged-in users, load averages, and more. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the uptime command, along with code examples, motivations, and explanations.

1: Print current time, uptime, number of logged-in users and other information




The motivation behind using this example is to quickly obtain an overview of the system’s current status, including the current time, uptime, number of logged-in users, and load averages. This can be valuable for system administrators who need to monitor the system’s overall health.


By executing the uptime command without any additional arguments, the system will display the current time, how long the system has been running, the number of logged-in users, and three load average values representing the system’s CPU utilization over different time intervals (1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes, respectively).

Example Output

09:30:28 up 12 days, 4:20, 2 users, load average: 0.37, 0.42, 0.48

2: Show only the amount of time the system has been booted for


uptime --pretty


This example is useful when you need a simplified output that clearly presents how long the system has been running. It is especially handy when you want to display this information in scripts or on the command line in a more readable format.


By using the --pretty option, the uptime command will provide a simplified output that clearly presents the system’s uptime. The output will be displayed in a human-readable format, showing the total uptime in a concise manner, such as “10 hours” or “3 days, 6 hours, and 30 minutes”.

Example Output

up 10 hours

3: Print the date and time the system booted up at


uptime --since


This example is particularly useful when you want to determine the exact date and time when the system was last rebooted. It can be valuable for troubleshooting or investigating system stability.


By utilizing the --since option, the uptime command will display the date and time when the system was last booted up. The output will provide a timestamp showing the exact moment the system started running, helping you determine how long the system has been up.

Example Output

2022-01-01 14:27:15

4: Show version information


uptime --version


This example is useful when you need to quickly retrieve version information about the uptime command. It can be helpful for determining compatibility or troubleshooting potential issues related to different versions of the command.


By utilizing the --version option, the uptime command will display the version information, including the command’s name, version number, and additional details. This output helps system administrators verify the version of the uptime command they are using.

Example Output

uptime from util-linux 2.35.2


The uptime command is a versatile tool for checking system uptime and obtaining valuable information about the system’s current status. By using the examples provided in this article, you can easily retrieve important details about the system’s uptime, logged-in users, load averages, and version information. Whether you are a system administrator or a regular user, uptime can be a valuable ally in managing and monitoring your system efficiently.

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