How to use the command upx (with examples)

How to use the command upx (with examples)

The upx command is a powerful tool for compressing and decompressing executables. It allows you to reduce the size of executable files, which can be beneficial for various reasons including reducing storage space, improving download speeds, and enhancing security by obfuscating the code.

Use case 1: Compress executable


upx path/to/file

Motivation: Compressing executables can be useful in scenarios where reducing file size is crucial. Smaller file sizes can lead to faster transfer speeds, reduced bandwidth usage, and improved performance. Furthermore, compressed executables can be advantageous when distributing software, as they take up less storage space and are quicker to download.

Explanation: In this use case, the upx command is used to compress an executable located at the specified path/to/file. The command compresses the file using various compression techniques supported by UPX (Ultimate Packer for Executables).

Example output:

                       Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                           Copyright (C) 1996 - 2020
UPX 3.96        Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Dec 12th 2020

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
     420328 <-    210152   50.00%    win32/pe     path/to/file

Packed 1 file.

Use case 2: Decompress executable


upx -d path/to/file

Motivation: Decompressing an executable is necessary when you need to revert the compression process performed on it. This is useful, for example, when analyzing or debugging compressed executables or when you want to run the application directly without the decompression overhead.

Explanation: In this use case, the -d option is used with the upx command to decompress an executable located at the specified path/to/file. The command reverses the compression process applied to the file using UPX.

Example output:

                       Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                           Copyright (C) 1996 - 2020
UPX 3.96        Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Dec 12th 2020

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
     210152 ->    420328  100.00%    win32/pe     path/to/file

Unpacked 1 file.

Use case 3: Detailed help


upx --help

Motivation: When you need detailed information about the upx command, its options, and usage instructions, the --help option allows you to access the command’s comprehensive help documentation. This is particularly useful for newcomers to upx or when you want to explore advanced features and customization options.

Explanation: In this use case, the --help option is used with the upx command to display detailed help information. Running this command prints a comprehensive overview of the upx command, its options, usage examples, and other pertinent information.

Example output:

Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
  Copyright (C) 1996 - 2020
UPX 3.96        Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Dec 12th 2020

Usage: upx [-123456789dlthVL] [-qvfk] [-o FILE] [--overlay=FILE] [-p <n>] [-m <type>] [-T <ld_name>] [-S] [--file-order] [--brute] [--exact] [--no-align] [--compress-exports=VALUE] [--compress-icons=VALUE] [--compress-resources=VALUE] [--compress-data=VALUE] [--compre... 

(Comprehensive help output continues...)


The upx command is a versatile tool for compressing and decompressing executables. With various compression techniques supported, it allows you to compact the size of your executable files, enhancing efficiency and security. Whether you need to reduce storage space, improve download speeds, or obfuscate code, upx is an invaluable utility to have in your development toolkit.

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