Using the uudecode Command (with examples)

Using the uudecode Command (with examples)

Use Case 1: Decoding to stdout


uudecode path/to/encoded_file


This use case is useful when you want to decode a file that was encoded with uuencode and directly view the resulting content in the terminal without creating a new file.


This command decodes the file specified by path/to/encoded_file which was previously encoded using uuencode. The decoded content is then printed to the standard output (stdout).

Example Output:

Upon running the command, the decoded content is displayed in the terminal.

Use Case 2: Decoding to a file


uudecode -o path/to/decoded_file path/to/encoded_file


This use case is helpful when you need to decode a file that was encoded with uuencode and save the resulting content to a new file.


The uudecode command with the option -o specifies the output file path using path/to/decoded_file. The command then decodes the file specified by path/to/encoded_file and writes the resulting content to the specified output file.

Example Output:

By executing the command, the file specified by path/to/decoded_file is created and contains the decoded content of path/to/encoded_file.

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