How to use the command 'uuidd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'uuidd' (with examples)

The uuidd is a daemon specifically designed to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). A UUID is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify information in computer systems. The uuidd daemon supports various options to produce different types of UUIDs depending on the needs, whether you require a random or a time-based UUID. This can be particularly useful in distributed systems for ensuring unique identifiers across multiple servers or instances.

Use case 1: Generate a random UUID


uuidd --random


In many applications, it is essential to generate a unique identifier that does not collide with any other identifier in the system. For example, when creating a new user account, you might want to assign a unique User ID (UUID) to each user. Using a random UUID ensures that this identifier is unique and does not rely on a specific time or system state, which might be more prone to duplication.


  • uuidd: The command that initiates the UUID generation daemon.
  • --random: This flag specifies that the UUID generated should be a random variant. Random UUIDs are produced using a secure random number generator, ensuring their uniqueness.

Example output:


Use case 2: Generate a bulk number of random UUIDs


uuidd --random --uuids number_of_uuids


In certain scenarios, you might need multiple unique identifiers at once, such as during database seeding or bulk data creation. Generating UUIDs in bulk can save time and ensure that a batch of unique IDs is readily available for large-scale operations.


  • uuidd: Executes the UUID generation daemon.
  • --random: Indicates that each UUID should be randomly generated.
  • --uuids: This option specifies the number of UUIDs you want to generate. Replace number_of_uuids with the desired number.

Example output (for number_of_uuids set to 3):


Use case 3: Generate a time-based UUID


uuidd --time


Time-based UUIDs are useful in scenarios where you need identifiers that not only remain unique but also convey some information about when they were generated. They use the current time as well as the MAC address of the system as part of their structure. This can be particularly helpful for tracking the order of events or operations across distributed systems.


  • uuidd: The command to interact with the UUID generation daemon.
  • --time: This option commands the daemon to generate a time-based UUID. These UUIDs are constructed using the current timestamp and the system’s MAC address for guaranteed uniqueness without a central coordinating service.

Example output:



The uuidd command provides a robust mechanism for generating unique identifiers, crucial in many computing contexts. From single random UUIDs for individual tasks to bulk generation for large datasets or time-based UUIDs for order sensitivity, uuidd ensures you have the right tool for distinct requirements. Understanding how to leverage these options ensures systems are not only efficient but also reliable in terms of unique data identification.

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