How to use the command 'uuidgen' (with examples)

How to use the command 'uuidgen' (with examples)

The uuidgen command is used to generate unique identifiers known as UUIDs. A UUID is a 128-bit value that is typically represented as a sequence of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens. UUIDs are commonly used in computer systems to uniquely identify entities such as files, database records, or network resources.

Use case 1: Create a random UUIDv4


uuidgen --random

Motivation: A random UUIDv4 is useful when you need a unique identifier that has a high probability of being different from any other UUID. This can be helpful in scenarios where you need to generate unique session IDs, temporary file names, or secure authentication tokens.

Explanation: The --random option tells uuidgen to generate a random UUIDv4. UUIDv4 is the version of UUID that is generated based on random numbers.

Example output:


Use case 2: Create a UUIDv1 based on the current time


uuidgen --time

Motivation: A UUIDv1 based on the current time is useful when you need a unique identifier that also includes a timestamp. This can be beneficial when you want to order or sort entities based on their creation time.

Explanation: The --time option instructs uuidgen to generate a UUIDv1. UUIDv1 is the version of UUID that includes the current time, along with the MAC address and a random value.

Example output:


Use case 3: Create a UUIDv5 of the name with a specified namespace prefix


uuidgen --sha1 --namespace @dns --name

Motivation: Sometimes you need a UUID that is based on a given name and a specific namespace. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to generate UUIDs for entities based on their names and ensure uniqueness within a particular namespace.

Explanation: The --sha1 option tells uuidgen to generate a UUIDv5 using the SHA-1 hash function. The --namespace option specifies the namespace to use for generating the UUID. In this example, @dns is used as the namespace, indicating that the name is a DNS domain name. The --name option specifies the name for which the UUID should be generated.

Example output:



The uuidgen command is a versatile tool for generating unique identifiers in different formats based on various criteria. By understanding its different use cases, you can leverage this command to generate UUIDs according to your specific needs. Whether you need a random UUIDv4, a UUIDv1 based on the current time, or a UUIDv5 based on a name and namespace, uuidgen has you covered.

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