How to Use the Command 'vault' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'vault' (with Examples)

HashiCorp Vault is a powerful tool designed to manage secrets and protect sensitive data. It provides a secure interface for interacting with secret data, such as API keys, passwords, and encryption keys, using a highly configurable and reliable system. Vault allows you to store, control, and access this data safely, ensuring that sensitive information remains private and secure.

Use Case 1: Connect to a Vault Server and Initialize a New Encrypted Data Store


vault init

Initializing a Vault server sets up a new encrypted data store, which is the foundation needed to securely store and manage secrets. This crucial first step prepares the Vault for receiving and handling confidential information, enabling an organization to maintain strict control over its sensitive data through encryption.


  • vault: This is the command-line tool used to interact with HashiCorp Vault.
  • init: This subcommand initializes the Vault instance for the first time, creating a new secret storage area. It generates unseal keys and a root token, which are critical for accessing and operating the Vault.

Example Output:

Unseal Key 1: xxxxx
Unseal Key 2: xxxxx
Unseal Key 5: xxxxx
Initial Root Token: xxxxx
Vault initialized with 5 keys and a key threshold of 3.
Please securely distribute the unseal keys. When the Vault is re-sealed, they will be needed to unseal it again. 

Use Case 2: Unseal (Unlock) the Vault


vault unseal key-share-x

When you first start the Vault or after a system restart, the encrypted data store remains sealed to protect its contents from any unauthorized access. Unsealing the Vault is crucial to make the data accessible for operations. This process allows the Vault to load the stored secrets temporarily into memory, enabling secure data transactions.


  • vault: Indicates the Vault CLI tool being used.
  • unseal: This subcommand is used to unlock the Vault with a key share. A certain threshold of key shares is required to fully unseal the Vault.
  • key-share-x: This argument represents an individual key share needed to unlock the Vault. Multiple key shares are typically required, based on the key share threshold defined during initialization.

Example Output:

Key accepted. 
Unseal progress: x/y shares. 
Vault unsealed.

Use Case 3: Authenticate the CLI Client Against the Vault Server


vault auth authentication_token

Authenticating a CLI client ensures that only authorized users and systems can access the Vault’s capabilities. This indispensability maintains the security and confidentiality of sensitive information stored within Vault, protecting against unauthorized access or misuse.


  • vault: Refers to the command-line interface for interacting with Vault.
  • auth: This subcommand is used to authenticate against the Vault.
  • authentication_token: A unique token provided to an authorized user to authenticate their session with the Vault server.

Example Output:

Success! You are now authenticated. The token can be used to invoke commands within the Vault.

Use Case 4: Store a New Secret in the Vault


vault write secret/hello value=world

Storing secrets in Vault guarantees a secure repository for critical information like API keys and credentials. Leveraging Vault for secret management reduces the risk of data leakage and ensures compliance with best practices in cybersecurity.


  • vault: Specifies the tool being used.
  • write: This subcommand writes or stores data inside Vault.
  • secret/hello: This path indicates the location within the Vault where the secret will be stored.
  • value=world: Represents the actual data to be stored with value as the key and world as the associated secret information.

Example Output:

Data written to secret/hello

Use Case 5: Read a Value from the Vault


vault read secret/hello

By reading stored secrets, authorized users and applications can retrieve sensitive information necessary for operations, such as accessing databases or calling external APIs. Ensuring the right data and credentials are retrieved securely is a key deliverable of Vault.


  • vault: Refers to the command-line tool for making Vault operations.
  • read: This subcommand is used to retrieve or read data from the Vault.
  • secret/hello: Indicates the path from which the secret data will be retrieved.

Example Output:

Key             Value
---             -----
value           world

Use Case 6: Read a Specific Field from the Value


vault read -field=field_name secret/hello

Targeted access to specific fields in a secret is a vital function when dealing with complex data structures, allowing users to focus on retrieving only the necessary information. This minimizes data exposure and enhances operational efficiency.


  • vault: The command-line tool interacting with HashiCorp Vault.
  • read: The subcommand to access data from Vault.
  • -field=field_name: This flag specifies which field to access within the secret data, providing the exact information without downloading the entire entry.
  • secret/hello: Path to access the secret data in the Vault.

Example Output:


Use Case 7: Seal (Lock) the Vault Server


vault seal

Sealing the Vault server is essential for protecting stored secrets when they are not in active use. By locking the Vault, you remove the unseal keys from memory, securing the stored data against unauthorized access and potential system vulnerabilities.


  • vault: References the CLI tool managing the Vault.
  • seal: This subcommand is used to lock the Vault, ensuring that secrets remain encrypted and inaccessible without the unseal process.

Example Output:

Vault sealed.


HashiCorp Vault offers essential functionalities for securely managing sensitive data, empowering organizations to handle confidential information with precision and reliability. These examples illustrate the primary command operations, showcasing how the Vault CLI can be effectively used to initialize, authenticate, unlock, store, access, and protect secrets in a robust and user-friendly manner.

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