How to Use the Command 'vboxmanage-cloud' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'vboxmanage-cloud' (with Examples)

The vboxmanage-cloud command is a versatile tool within the VirtualBox command-line interface, specifically designed to manage cloud instances and images. Whether you’re looking to list instances, create or terminate them, or perhaps work with images, this command provides a comprehensive suite of options to interact with and manage virtual machines in the cloud environment. This article will guide you through several use cases, each illustrating the command’s capabilities with clear examples.

Use Case 1: List Instances in a Specified State


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name list instances --state=running --compartment-id=compartment_id

Motivation for Use: Listing instances based on their state is crucial for managing and monitoring cloud resources efficiently. This command allows administrators to quickly identify and focus on running instances, which might require attention for tasks like performance monitoring, scaling, or troubleshooting.


  • --provider=provider_name: Specifies the cloud provider, ensuring the command targets resources in the correct cloud environment.
  • --profile=profile_name: Indicates the profile to use, which contains specific credentials and settings for accessing the cloud provider’s API.
  • list instances: The primary action of the command, focusing on listing cloud instances.
  • --state=running: Filters the instances to only those currently running, providing a more focused list of active resources.
  • --compartment-id=compartment_id: Identifies the compartment containing the instances, allowing for targeted searches within specific organizational units.

Example Output:

Instance ID: i-1234567890abcdef0
State: running
Compartment ID: compartment_id
Instance Name: web-server-instance

Use Case 2: Create a New Instance


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name instance create --image-id=image_id

Motivation for Use: Creating new instances is a fundamental action in cloud management, enabling the deployment of applications, development environments, or testing setups. This command facilitates the rapid provisioning of a new virtual machine based on specified parameters.


  • --provider=provider_name: Directs the command to the appropriate cloud service provider.
  • --profile=profile_name: Utilizes specific credentials and settings applicable to the user.
  • instance create: Initiates the creation of a new cloud instance.
  • Assigns a domain name to the instance, crucial for network configurations and accessibility.
  • --image-id=image_id: Defines the image template to create the instance, ensuring consistency and compliance with specific application requirements.

Example Output:

Instance successfully created with ID: i-abcdef1234567890
State: pending

Use Case 3: Gather Information on a Particular Instance


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name instance info --id=unique_id

Motivation for Use: Gathering detailed information on a specific instance helps in understanding the instance’s current status, configuration, and usage. This is essential for performance analysis, troubleshooting, and management reporting.


  • --provider=provider_name: Specifies which cloud provider’s API to interact with.
  • --profile=profile_name: Designates the user profile for authentication and additional settings.
  • instance info: Specifies the action to retrieve information about a particular instance.
  • --id=unique_id: Clearly identifies which instance’s data is to be retrieved, ensuring accuracy.

Example Output:

Instance ID: i-unique123
State: running
Memory: 8GB
CPU: 4
IP Address:

Use Case 4: Terminate an Instance


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name instance terminate --id=unique_id

Motivation for Use: Terminating instances is key to cost management and resource optimization in cloud environments. It ensures that no unnecessary resources are consuming budget or system capacity.


  • --provider=provider_name: Ensures the termination process is executed in the correct cloud environment.
  • --profile=profile_name: Uses the specified credentials for securing the process.
  • instance terminate: The action within the command aimed at ceasing the operation of a virtual machine.
  • --id=unique_id: The specific identifier of the instance to be terminated, preventing accidental or erroneous actions.

Example Output:

Instance with ID i-unique123 has been successfully terminated.

Use Case 5: List Images within a Specific Compartment and State


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name list images --compartment-id=compartment_id --state=available

Motivation for Use: This command is essential for identifying available images that can be used for new instance deployments. Keeping track of images ensures efficient resource management and version control.


  • --provider=provider_name: Points to the intended cloud service provider.
  • --profile=profile_name: Specifies which user settings to apply.
  • list images: The action focusing on retrieving details about images.
  • --compartment-id=compartment_id: Filters images by specific projects or groups within the organization.
  • --state=available: Limits the results to images ready for deployment.

Example Output:

Image ID: img-12345
Display Name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
State: available
Compartment ID: compartment_id

Use Case 6: Create a New Image


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name image create --instance-id=instance_id --display-name=new-image --compartment-id=compartment_id

Motivation for Use: Creating custom images from existing instances is critical for scaling and rapid deployment of standardized environments. This command helps to capture the state of an existing setup for future use.


  • --provider=provider_name: Specifies the targeting of the cloud provider.
  • --profile=profile_name: Identifies the user profile for operation.
  • image create: The command initiates the creation of a new disk image.
  • --instance-id=instance_id: Defines the source instance from which to create the image.
  • --display-name=new-image: Provides a human-readable name to easily identify the created image.
  • --compartment-id=compartment_id: Assigns the image to a specific compartment, aiding organization and management.

Example Output:

Image created successfully with ID: img-67890
Display Name: new-image

Use Case 7: Retrieve Information about a Particular Image


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name image info --id=unique_id

Motivation for Use: Retrieving image details is vital for auditing, ensuring the correct environments are deployed, and verifying compatibility with current infrastructure needs.


  • --provider=provider_name: Directs the command to interface with the correct cloud environment.
  • --profile=profile_name: Specifies the settings and credentials to use.
  • image info: Invokes the action to gather information on a specific image.
  • --id=unique_id: Accurately points to the desired image for information retrieval.

Example Output:

Image ID: img-info123
Display Name: CentOS 7
Size: 10GB
State: available

Use Case 8: Delete an Image


VBoxManage cloud --provider=provider_name --profile=profile_name image delete --id=unique_id

Motivation for Use: Deleting images is necessary for maintaining an efficient system, removing outdated resources, and conserving storage space. This command helps control operational costs and prevent clutter.


  • --provider=provider_name: Ensures that the deletion operation targets the correct cloud service.
  • --profile=profile_name: Uses a designated user profile to authenticate the action.
  • image delete: Clearly initiates the process of removing a cloud image.
  • --id=unique_id: Identifies the specific image to be removed, ensuring no unintended deletions.

Example Output:

Image with ID img-info123 has been successfully deleted.


Understanding and effectively using the vboxmanage-cloud command is essential for efficient management and operation of cloud resources. Each use case provides a practical situation where these commands can streamline workflows, enhance resource management, and ensure that operations are as efficient and cost-effective as possible. By systematically incorporating these commands into your cloud management processes, you can gain greater control and flexibility over your virtual environments.

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