How to use the command 'VBoxManage movevm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'VBoxManage movevm' (with examples)

The VBoxManage movevm command allows users to move a virtual machine (VM) to a new location on the host system. This can be useful when users want to organize their VMs in different directories or if they need to transfer a VM to another computer.

Use case 1: Move the specified virtual machine to the current location


VBoxManage movevm vm_name

Motivation: Using this example, you can easily move a VM to the current directory without specifying a new location. This can be useful if you want to quickly organize your VMs within the same directory.


  • VBoxManage: The command-line interface for VirtualBox.
  • movevm: The sub-command used to move a virtual machine.
  • vm_name: The name or UUID of the virtual machine you want to move.

Example output:

VM 'vm_name' has been successfully moved to the current location.

Use case 2: Specify the new location (full or relative pathname) of the virtual machine


VBoxManage movevm vm_name --folder path/to/new_location

Motivation: By using this example, you can specify a new location for the VM during the move operation. This is particularly useful if you want to move the VM to a specific directory or if you want to transfer it to another computer.


  • VBoxManage: The command-line interface for VirtualBox.
  • movevm: The sub-command used to move a virtual machine.
  • vm_name: The name or UUID of the virtual machine you want to move.
  • --folder: The option to specify the new location for the VM.
  • path/to/new_location: The full or relative pathname of the new location where the VM should be moved.

Example output:

VM 'vm_name' has been successfully moved to 'path/to/new_location'.


The VBoxManage movevm command is a useful tool for managing and organizing virtual machines within VirtualBox. It provides flexibility in moving VMs to different locations on the host system, allowing users to easily arrange their VMs in a way that suits their needs. Whether it’s moving a VM to the current directory or specifying a new location, this command simplifies the process of managing virtual machines.

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