How to use the command 'veracrypt' (with examples)

How to use the command 'veracrypt' (with examples)

VeraCrypt is a free and open-source disk encryption software that enables users to encrypt data, ensuring it is secure from unauthorized access. VeraCrypt supports a variety of encryption algorithms and provides robust security features. Its command-line interface allows users to perform various tasks like creating encrypted volumes, encrypting partitions, and mounting or dismounting encrypted data from the system.

Use case 1: Creating a New Volume with a Text User Interface


veracrypt --text --create --random-source=/dev/urandom


Creating an encrypted volume is an essential task for anyone needing to secure sensitive files. Using a text user interface via the command line provides greater control and can be integrated into scripts and automation processes. Specifying /dev/urandom as a source of random data ensures that the encryption process uses high-quality randomness, critical for the security of the encryption keys.


  • veracrypt: This is the command-line executable for VeraCrypt, used to perform various encryption and decryption tasks.
  • --text: This flag indicates that the process will use a text-based user interface instead of a graphical one. It’s beneficial in situations where a graphical interface is unavailable, such as on remote servers.
  • --create: Tells VeraCrypt to initiate the process of creating a new encrypted volume.
  • --random-source=/dev/urandom: Specifies the source of random data for encryption. /dev/urandom generates high-quality random numbers, crucial for creating strong encryption keys.

Example Output:

Upon executing the command, the terminal will guide you through a series of prompts to set up the new volume, allowing you to specify options such as the volume size, encryption algorithm, and password.

Use case 2: Decrypting a Volume and Mounting it to a Directory


veracrypt --text path/to/volume path/to/mount_point


Decrypting a volume allows users to access their encrypted data whenever needed. Mounting it to a directory grants ease of access, allowing standard file operations. This command is valuable in scenarios where encrypted files are regularly accessed but need to stay secure.


  • veracrypt: Initializes the VeraCrypt command for encryption-decryption tasks.
  • --text: Indicates the use of a text-based user interface, useful for environments where a GUI is not feasible.
  • path/to/volume: The path to the encrypted file or volume that you wish to decrypt and mount.
  • path/to/mount_point: Specifies the directory where the decrypted contents will be accessible and manipulated as typical files and folders.

Example Output:

The tool prompts for a password to decrypt the specified volume and then mounts it to the provided directory. Users can then navigate to the path/to/mount_point to interact with their files.

Use case 3: Decrypting a Partition Using a Keyfile


veracrypt --keyfiles=path/to/keyfile /dev/sdXN path/to/mount_point


For heightened security, using a keyfile alongside a password can significantly enhance security. This dual-factor approach combines something you know (the password) with something you have (the keyfile). Decrypting a partition with such methods ensures maximum protection from unauthorized access.


  • veracrypt: Invokes the VeraCrypt program to handle encryption operations.
  • --keyfiles=path/to/keyfile: Directs VeraCrypt to use the specified file as a key in the decryption process. The keyfile adds an additional layer of security beyond the password alone.
  • /dev/sdXN: Denotes the device file for the partition to decrypt, typically found in /dev/ on Unix-like systems, where sdXN is a placeholder for the actual device identifier.
  • path/to/mount_point: The directory where VeraCrypt will mount the decrypted partition.

Example Output:

VeraCrypt will ask for the password associated with the partition and use the keyfile to authorize decryption, then mount the partition, making it accessible via the specified mount point.

Use case 4: Dismounting a Volume


veracrypt --dismount path/to/mounted_point


Once you’re done accessing your encrypted data, it is crucial to dismount the volume to maintain its security. Dismounting ensures the data cannot be tampered with or accessed without re-entering the decryption key or password.


  • veracrypt: Calls the VeraCrypt application for managing encrypted data.
  • --dismount: This flag instructs VeraCrypt to disconnect the previously mounted encrypted volume or partition from the system.
  • path/to/mounted_point: Specifies the directory where the encrypted volume is currently mounted, letting VeraCrypt know which volume to dismount.

Example Output:

The command executes silently, detaching the encrypted volume from the system. The directory specified with path/to/mounted_point will no longer reveal its contents, reinforcing the confidentiality of the data.


VeraCrypt’s command-line functionality empowers users with powerful tools for encryption tasks, all while providing enhanced security and flexibility. These examples showcase the utility of VeraCrypt for creating, accessing, and managing encrypted volumes, all within a convenient text user interface suitable for a multitude of environments.

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