Vim (with examples)

Vim (with examples)

1: Opening a file

vim path/to/file

With Vim, you can open any text file for editing directly from the command line. This is useful when you want to quickly make changes to a file without the need for a full-fledged text editor.

The vim command is followed by the path to the file you want to open. This will launch Vim and load the specified file into the editor.

Example output:
Once the file is opened in Vim, you can start making modifications to its contents.

2: Opening a file at a specified line number

vim +line_number path/to/file

When working with large files, it can be useful to jump directly to a specific line instead of scrolling through the entire document. This command allows you to open a file and position the cursor at a specific line.

After specifying the file path, add a + followed by the desired line number. This will open the file at the specified line.

Example output:
Vim will open the file and position the cursor at the specified line, allowing you to start editing from that point onward.

3: Viewing Vim’s help manual


Vim provides a comprehensive help system that contains detailed documentation about its features and functionalities. This command allows you to access the help manual directly within the editor.

To access Vim’s help system, press : to enter command-line mode, followed by help and press the Enter key.

Example output:
Vim will display the help manual, allowing you to search for specific topics or browse through the available sections.

4: Saving and quitting the current buffer


When you are done editing a file in Vim, you need to save your changes and exit the editor. This command allows you to do both in one go.

After making modifications to the file, type :wq and press the Enter key. This will save the changes and quit Vim.

Example output:
Vim will save the changes made to the file and exit the editor, returning you to the command line.

5: Entering normal mode and undoing the last operation


Normal mode in Vim is the default mode that allows you to navigate and manipulate text. For example, if you accidentally delete or modify some text, you can easily undo the operation using this command.

Press the Escape key to enter normal mode, followed by u. This will undo the last operation that was performed.

Example output:
The last performed operation, such as deletion or modification, will be reverted, and the text will be restored to its previous state.

6: Searching for a pattern in the file


Searching for a specific pattern within a file can be very helpful when you need to locate and modify certain occurrences of a term or phrase.

While in normal mode, type / followed by the pattern you want to search for, and press the Enter key. Vim will move the cursor to the first occurrence of the pattern.

Example output:
Vim will highlight the first occurrence of the pattern found in the file, making it easier to identify and modify if needed.

7: Performing a regular expression substitution in the whole file


Regular expression substitution allows you to replace specific text patterns within a file with desired content. This can be useful for making bulk changes to text files.

With this command, you can perform a global substitution by replacing the regular_expression with the replacement text in the whole file. % denotes the range of the whole file, s stands for substitution, and g means global (all occurrences).

Example output:
Vim will substitute all occurrences of the regular_expression with the specified replacement throughout the file.

8: Displaying line numbers

:set nu<Enter>

Enabling line numbers in Vim allows you to quickly reference line numbers when discussing specific sections of a file or when navigating through a document.

While in normal mode, type :set nu and press the Enter key. This command enables the display of line numbers in Vim.

Example output:
Vim will display line numbers on the left side of the editor, making it easier to identify and reference specific lines while editing or navigating within a file.

By exploring these different use cases of the Vim command, you can unleash the power and versatility of this powerful text editor. Whether you need to make small edits, search for patterns, or perform complex substitutions, Vim provides a wide range of features to help you manipulate your text effectively.

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