Using vimdiff to Compare and Edit Files (with examples)

Using vimdiff to Compare and Edit Files (with examples)

1: Open two files and show the differences

Code: vimdiff file1 file2

Motivation: You can use this command to compare the contents of two files and visualize their differences.

Explanation: The vimdiff command opens two files, file1 and file2, side by side in Vim. The differences between the files are highlighted, making them easy to identify.

Example Output:

file1 line 1: This is a common line.
file1 line 2: These lines are only in file1.
file1 line 3: This is another common line.

file2 line 1: This is a common line.
file2 line 2: These lines are only in file2.
file2 line 3: This is another common line.

2: Move the cursor to the window on the left/right

Code: Ctrl + w h|l

Motivation: When using vimdiff, you might want to move the cursor between the left and right windows to navigate through the differences.

Explanation: Pressing Ctrl + w h moves the cursor to the left window, while pressing Ctrl + w l moves the cursor to the right window.

Example Output:

Cursor moved to the left window.

3: Jump to the previous difference

Code: [c

Motivation: When reviewing differences between files, you may want to quickly navigate to the previous difference.

Explanation: Typing [c in Vimdiff jumps to the previous difference between the files. The cursor will be placed at the beginning of the change.

Example Output:

Cursor placed at the previous difference.

4: Jump to the next difference

Code: ]c

Motivation: When reviewing differences between files, you may want to quickly navigate to the next difference.

Explanation: Typing ]c in Vimdiff jumps to the next difference between the files. The cursor will be placed at the beginning of the change.

Example Output:

Cursor placed at the next difference.

5: Copy the highlighted difference from the other window to the current window

Code: do

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to copy a change from one file to another while comparing them in Vimdiff.

Explanation: Typing do copies the highlighted difference from the other window (source window) to the current window (target window). The copied text will replace any selected text in the target window.

Example Output:

Highlighted difference copied from the source window to the target window.

6: Copy the highlighted difference from the current window to the other window

Code: dp

Motivation: When comparing and editing files in Vimdiff, you may want to copy a change from one file to the other.

Explanation: Typing dp copies the highlighted difference from the current window (source window) to the other window (target window). The copied text will replace any selected text in the target window.

Example Output:

Highlighted difference copied from the source window to the target window.

7: Update all highlights and folds

Code: :diffupdate

Motivation: If you have made changes to the compared files outside of Vim, you may need to refresh the differences shown in Vimdiff.

Explanation: Typing :diffupdate updates all highlights and folds, reflecting any changes made to the compared files. This command keeps the differences in sync with the actual file contents.

Example Output:

Highlights and folds updated in Vimdiff.

8: Toggle the highlighted code fold

Code: za

Motivation: Code folding can be useful when comparing large files in Vimdiff, allowing you to focus on specific sections.

Explanation: Typing za toggles the highlighted code fold on or off in Vimdiff. This collapses or expands the folded section, making it easier to navigate through the compared code.

Example Output:

Highlighted code fold toggled, and the fold is either collapsed or expanded.

By utilizing these various vimdiff commands, you can efficiently compare and manipulate files within Vim, making it a powerful tool for code reviews, synchronization, and collaboration.

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