How to use the command 'vimtutor' (with examples)

How to use the command 'vimtutor' (with examples)

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text efficient. vimtutor is a command-line tool that launches Vim and provides a comprehensive tutorial on the basic commands of Vim. This command is useful for beginners who want to learn how to use Vim effectively. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the vimtutor command.

Use case 1: Launch the vim tutor using the given language


vimtutor language


The motivation behind using this use case of the vimtutor command is to learn Vim in a preferred language. vimtutor supports multiple languages, such as English (en), French (fr), German (de), and more. By specifying the language parameter, users can dive into the Vim tutorial in their preferred language.


  • language: The language parameter specifies the desired language of the Vim tutorial. It can be the two-letter language code, such as ’en’ for English, ‘fr’ for French, ‘de’ for German, etc.

Example output:

If you run the command vimtutor de, the Vim tutorial will launch in German, providing instructions and examples in the German language.

Use case 2: Exit the tutor


<Esc> :q <Enter>


The motivation behind using this use case of the vimtutor command is to gracefully exit the Vim tutor once the learning session is complete. After going through the tutorial and practicing Vim commands, quitting the tutor is necessary to return to the command line.


  • <Esc>: The Escape key is used to enter the normal mode in Vim, where commands can be executed.
  • :q: The colon (:) indicates the command mode in Vim. q is the command to quit Vim.
  • <Enter>: Pressing the Enter key executes the quit command and exits Vim.

Example output:

When you press <Esc>, Vim switches to the normal mode, and then you can enter :q followed by <Enter>. This will exit the Vim tutor and return you to the command line.


The vimtutor command is a useful tool for learning the essential vim commands through an interactive tutorial. By launching the Vim tutor with the desired language or exiting the tutorial gracefully, users can enhance their knowledge of Vim and improve their text editing efficiency.

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