How to use the command "vipw" (with examples)

How to use the command "vipw" (with examples)




The vipw command is used to edit the password file in Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux. This file, usually located at /etc/passwd, contains essential information about user accounts. By using vipw, system administrators can easily modify user account details, such as usernames, user IDs, group IDs, home directories, and login shells.


When executing the vipw command without any arguments, it opens the password file in the system’s default text editor. The editor can be specified through the EDITOR environment variable. It is important to note that only users with administrative privileges can edit the password file.

Example Output:


Display the current version of vipw


vipw --version


Knowing the version of a command is helpful to determine if it is up to date or if specific features are available. By checking the version of vipw, system administrators can ensure they are using the latest version for optimal functionality and security.


The vipw command provides a --version option to retrieve information about the current version. This option displays the version number and other relevant details about the vipw command.

Example Output:

vipw (GNU coreutils) 8.32
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