How to use the command `virsh pool-list` (with examples)

How to use the command `virsh pool-list` (with examples)

This article provides various examples of how to use the virsh pool-list command to list information about virtual machine storage pools.


The virsh pool-list command is used to retrieve information about virtual machine storage pools. It provides details about the name, state, and autostart status of active storage pools. By using different options with the command, various additional information can be obtained, such as persistence, capacity, and allocation.

Use case 1: List the name, state, and autostart status of active storage pools


virsh pool-list


This use case is helpful in quickly checking the status and autostart configuration of active storage pools in a virtual environment. It can be useful for administrators who need to keep track of the current state of storage pools.


The virsh pool-list command without any options displays the name, state, and autostart status of active storage pools. The command lists only the active storage pools by default.

Example output:

Name                 State      Autostart
pool1                running    yes
pool2                running    no
pool3                running    no

Use case 2: List information for active and inactive or just inactive storage pools


virsh pool-list --all|inactive


Sometimes, it may be necessary to obtain information about both active and inactive storage pools. This use case allows you to list information for both types of storage pools or just the inactive ones.


The virsh pool-list --all option includes information for both active and inactive storage pools. Adding the --inactive option further filters the output to list only the inactive storage pools.

Example output:

Name                 State      Autostart
pool1                running    yes
pool2                running    no
pool3                running    no
pool4                inactive   no
pool5                inactive   yes

Use case 3: List extended information about persistence, capacity, allocation, and available space for active storage pools


virsh pool-list --details


In certain situations, obtaining extended information about the persistence, capacity, allocation, and available space of active storage pools can be helpful. This use case provides a comprehensive view of the storage pools’ properties.


The virsh pool-list --details option provides additional information about the storage pools, including details such as persistence (persistent or transient), capacity, allocation, and available space.

Example output:

Name       State      Autostart Persist Capacity  Allocation  Available
pool1      running    yes      yes     100 GiB    30 GiB      70 GiB
pool2      running    no       yes     50 GiB     20 GiB      30 GiB
pool3      running    no       no      -          -           -

Use case 4: List information for active storage pools with either autostart enabled or disabled


virsh pool-list --autostart|no-autostart


This use case allows you to filter the storage pools based on their autostart configuration. It can be useful to quickly identify the storage pools that are set to automatically start upon system boot.


The virsh pool-list --autostart option filters the output to list only the active storage pools with autostart enabled. Similarly, using the --no-autostart option lists only the active storage pools with autostart disabled.

Example output:

Name                 State      Autostart
pool1                running    yes
pool2                running    yes

Use case 5: List information for active storage pools that are either persistent or transient


virsh pool-list --persistent|transient


Being able to differentiate between persistent and transient storage pools can be beneficial in understanding the behavior and lifecycle of the storage pools. This use case provides information specifically for active storage pools based on their persistence.


The virsh pool-list --persistent option lists only the active storage pools that are persistent. On the other hand, using the --transient option lists only the active storage pools that are transient.

Example output:

Name                 State      Autostart
pool1                running    yes
pool2                running    yes
pool3                running    yes

Use case 6: List the name and UUID of active storage pools


virsh pool-list --name --uuid


Obtaining the name and UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of active storage pools can come in handy for various operations, such as referencing them in scripts or configuration files.


The virsh pool-list --name option limits the output to display only the name of the active storage pools. Adding the --uuid option includes the UUID of the storage pools in the output.

Example output:

Name                 UUID
pool1                1234abcd-5678efgh
pool2                9876zyxw-5432wvut


The virsh pool-list command provides a convenient way to retrieve information about virtual machine storage pools. By using different options, you can obtain specific details based on your requirements, such as autostart status, persistence, capacity, and UUID. Regularly using these examples can help system administrators monitor and manage the storage pools effectively.

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