How to use the command 'vite' (with examples)

How to use the command 'vite' (with examples)

The ‘vite’ command is used to create a Vite project in JavaScript. Vite is a next-generation build tool that focuses on speed and simplicity. It is commonly used to build modern JavaScript projects and supports various templates such as vanilla, vue, react, preact, lit, and svelte.

Use case 1: Setup using npm 6.x


npm create vite@latest my-react-app --template react-ts


This use case is useful when you want to create a Vite project with React and TypeScript using npm 6.x. The ‘create’ command is used to create a new Vite project, ‘vite@latest’ installs the latest version of Vite, ‘my-react-app’ specifies the name of the project, and ‘–template react-ts’ selects the React with TypeScript template.


  • npm create vite@latest: This installs the latest version of Vite globally in your system.
  • my-react-app: This specifies the name of the Vite project you want to create.
  • --template react-ts: This selects the React with TypeScript template as the project’s template.

Example output:

The command will create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ using the React with TypeScript template. It will install all the necessary dependencies and set up the project structure.

Use case 2: Setup using npm 7+


npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react-ts


This use case is useful when you are using npm 7 or later. Starting from npm 7, an extra double-dash is required after the package name to pass additional arguments to the underlying command. This command allows you to create a Vite project with React and TypeScript.


  • npm create vite@latest: This installs the latest version of Vite globally in your system.
  • my-react-app: This specifies the name of the Vite project you want to create.
  • --template react-ts: This selects the React with TypeScript template as the project’s template.
  • --: This double-dash is required in npm 7+ to separate the npm command from the Vite command. It ensures that the ‘–template’ argument is passed to the Vite command.

Example output:

The command will create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ using the React with TypeScript template just like the previous use case. The output will be the same as well, with all the necessary dependencies installed and the project structure set up.

Use case 3: Setup using yarn


yarn create vite my-react-app --template react-ts


This use case is useful when you prefer to use Yarn as your package manager. The ‘create’ command is used with Yarn to create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ with the React and TypeScript template.


  • yarn create vite: This is the Yarn equivalent of the ’npm create’ command and allows you to create a new Vite project.
  • my-react-app: This specifies the name of the Vite project you want to create.
  • --template react-ts: This selects the React with TypeScript template as the project’s template.

Example output:

The command will create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ using the React with TypeScript template using Yarn as the package manager. It will install all the necessary dependencies and set up the project structure.

Use case 4: Setup using pnpm


pnpm create vite my-react-app --template react-ts


This use case is useful when you prefer to use pnpm as your package manager. The ‘create’ command is used with pnpm to create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ with the React and TypeScript template.


  • pnpm create vite: This is the pnpm equivalent of the ’npm create’ command and allows you to create a new Vite project.
  • my-react-app: This specifies the name of the Vite project you want to create.
  • --template react-ts: This selects the React with TypeScript template as the project’s template.

Example output:

The command will create a new Vite project called ‘my-react-app’ using the React with TypeScript template using pnpm as the package manager. It will install all the necessary dependencies and set up the project structure.


The ‘vite’ command provides a quick and straightforward way to set up Vite projects with various template options. Whether you are using npm, Yarn, or pnpm, you can easily create Vite projects with different frameworks such as React, Vue, Preact, Lit, or Svelte. The command simplifies the project setup process and ensures that you have a solid foundation to build your JavaScript projects.

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