How to use the command "vol" (with examples)

How to use the command "vol" (with examples)

The command “vol” is used to display information about volumes in Windows. It provides details such as the label and serial number of the volume. This information can be helpful for identification and troubleshooting purposes.

Use case 1: Display the label and serial number for the current drive



Motivation: You may want to know the label and serial number of the current drive to verify its identity or to troubleshoot any issues related to the drive.

Explanation: In this use case, the “vol” command is used without any arguments. This causes it to display the label and serial number of the current drive.

Example Output:

Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678

Use case 2: Display the label and serial number for a specific volume


vol D:

Motivation: You may want to retrieve the label and serial number of a specific volume, such as drive D, to verify its identity or troubleshoot any issues related to that particular volume.

Explanation: In this use case, the “vol” command is used with the argument “D:”, which specifies the volume for which you want to display the label and serial number.

Example Output:

Volume in drive D is Data
Volume Serial Number is AB12-CDEF


The “vol” command is a useful tool to display information about volumes in Windows. By using it, you can easily retrieve the label and serial number of a volume, which can be helpful for various purposes such as identification and troubleshooting.

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