Vue CLI: Introduction to the Multi-purpose CLI for Vue.js (with examples)

Vue CLI: Introduction to the Multi-purpose CLI for Vue.js (with examples)

Vue CLI is a command-line interface tool that provides a set of helpful commands for developing Vue.js applications. With its multi-purpose capabilities, it empowers developers to efficiently scaffold, build, and manage Vue projects.

In this article, we will explore two common use cases of the vue command: creating a new Vue project interactively and creating a new project with web UI. We will provide code examples, motivations for using each case, explanations of each argument, and example outputs.

1: Creating a new Vue project interactively

To create a new Vue project interactively, you can use the following command:

vue create project_name


Creating a new Vue project interactively allows you to select various configurations and features for your project. It provides an easy and guided way of setting up a Vue project based on your specific requirements.


  • vue create: This command is used to create a new Vue project interactively.
  • project_name: This argument specifies the name of the project you want to create.

Example output:

After running the command vue create my_project, the Vue CLI will display a list of preset options to choose from. These presets define the initial project configuration, such as the choice of a linter, package manager, and additional features. You can use the arrow keys to navigate and select the desired preset, or choose to manually select features and configure the project from scratch.

2: Creating a new project with web UI

To create a new project with web UI, you can use the following command:

vue ui


Using the web UI to create a new Vue project provides a graphical interface that allows you to easily manage your project. It offers a visual representation of your project’s structure, build processes, and dependencies. This can be particularly helpful for beginners or developers who prefer a visual approach to development.


  • vue ui: This command starts the Vue CLI web interface for creating and managing projects.

Example output:

After running the command vue ui, the Vue CLI will open a web browser window displaying the Vue project dashboard. From there, you can create a new project, import an existing project, manage project settings, install dependencies, run scripts, and more. The web UI provides a comprehensive workspace to interact with your Vue projects visually.


The vue command, part of Vue CLI, offers a powerful and versatile set of functionalities for developing Vue.js applications. This article explored two common use cases: creating a new Vue project interactively and creating a new project with web UI. By using clear code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs, we showcased the versatility of the vue command and how it can streamline your Vue.js development process.

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