How to Use the Command 'vzdump' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'vzdump' (with Examples)

The vzdump command is a backup utility designed for virtual machines and containers on systems using the Proxmox Virtual Environment. It plays a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and availability by allowing system administrators to create backups of their virtual infrastructure. By offering a range of functionalities—from basic dumps to complex backup scenarios with customized settings—vzdump supports proactive data management and disaster recovery strategies.

Use Case 1: Dump a Guest Virtual Machine Into the Default Dump Directory


vzdump vm_id


This use case caters to administrators who need a simple and fast way to back up individual virtual machines. By executing this command, the virtual machine is backed up into the default dump directory, typically located at /var/lib/vz/dump/. This ensures a straightforward backup process without the complexities of additional configurations.


  • vzdump: Invokes the vzdump utility, initiating the backup process.
  • vm_id: This is a placeholder for the actual ID of the virtual machine you intend to back up. By specifying the machine’s ID, the utility knows which machine’s data to package for backup.

Example Output:

INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2023-01-01 12:00:00
INFO: status: 0%...
INFO: backup is finished.
INFO: Backup finished at 2023-01-01 12:05:00
INFO: Backup job completed successfully.

Use Case 2: Back Up Specific Guest Virtual Machines


vzdump 101 102 103


In environments where administrators manage multiple virtual machines, selectively backing up a group of specific VMs can be necessary. This is especially true in scenarios where certain critical services run on identified machines that require more frequent backups than others.


  • vzdump: Calls the tool to create backups.
  • 101 102 103: Lists the IDs of multiple virtual machines that the user wants to include in the backup process. Providing these IDs allows for simultaneous processing and is efficient for managing groups of machines.

Example Output:

INFO: Starting Backup of VM 101 (qemu)
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 102 (qemu)
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 103 (qemu)
INFO: All specified VMs backed up successfully.

Use Case 3: Dump a Guest Virtual Machine Using a Specific Mode


vzdump vm_id --mode suspend


This option provides flexibility by allowing the user to choose between different modes of operation. In environments where uptime is crucial, such as production systems, selecting a suitable mode like ‘suspend’ or ‘snapshot’ can minimize downtime and avoid disrupting services.


  • vzdump: Initiates the backup utility.
  • vm_id: Identifies the specific virtual machine to be backed up.
  • --mode suspend|snapshot: The --mode flag determines how the dump is performed.
    • suspend: Temporarily suspends the VM to create a consistent backup without data being written during the process.
    • snapshot: Takes a live snapshot of the VM, usually without requiring any downtime.

Example Output:

INFO: Using 'suspend' mode for VM 104.
INFO: Suspending VM 104...
INFO: Backup of VM 104 completed.

Use Case 4: Back Up All Guest Systems with Notification Emails


vzdump --all --mode suspend --mailto root --mailto admin


Administering numerous virtual machines across an organization can be challenging. This command helps by automating the backup of all guest systems while simultaneously keeping key personnel informed through email notifications about the backup status—ideal for maintaining organization-wide backup policies and communication.


  • vzdump: Launches the backup procedure.
  • --all: Targets all virtual machines within the Proxmox environment for backup.
  • --mode suspend: Ensures that all VMs are paused during backup to ensure data consistency.
  • --mailto root --mailto admin: Sends summary emails to specified users after the backup process. This is a communication tool to update stakeholders about the operation’s success or any issues encountered.

Example Output:

INFO: All VMs detected. Starting backup...
INFO: Backup of VM 101...
INFO: Backup of VM 102...
Emails sent to root and admin with backup details.

Use Case 5: Use Snapshot Mode with a Non-default Dump Directory


vzdump vm_id --dumpdir path/to/directory --mode snapshot


This command is tailored for users who need more control over their storage management by directing backups to specific locations. This is useful in environments with multiple storage devices or when isolating backups for security or organizational purposes.


  • vzdump: The backup tool being used.
  • vm_id: Identifier for the VM being processed.
  • --dumpdir path/to/directory: Specifies a custom directory where the backup files will be placed, deviating from the default location to suit organizational needs.
  • --mode snapshot: Performs the backup using the snapshot mode, maintaining continuous system operation.

Example Output:

INFO: Snapshot mode initiated for VM 100.
INFO: Backup files directed to /custom/directory.
INFO: VM 100 backup completed.

Use Case 6: Back Up All Guest Virtual Machines Excluding Certain IDs


vzdump --mode suspend --exclude 101,102


Occasionally, some virtual machines might not require repeated backups due to their static data or non-critical nature. This command empowers administrators to efficiently manage resources by selectively excluding machines from the backup process.


  • vzdump: Begins the backup sequence.
  • --mode suspend: Ensures safe backup by pausing machines temporarily.
  • --exclude 101,102: Lists specific VM IDs to be omitted from the backup operation, giving users the power to precisely control which machines are backed up.

Example Output:

INFO: Starting backup of all VMs excluding 101, 102.
INFO: VM 103 backup in progress...
INFO: Remaining VMs processed successfully.


The vzdump command is an essential tool for administrators in managing backups of virtual environments within Proxmox. Understanding each use case and adapting commands to specific scenarios allows for optimized backup strategies that ensure data integrity and business continuity. By tailoring these commands to fit organizational needs, administrators can maintain efficient, reliable backup processes.

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