How to use the command 'wacaw' (with examples)

How to use the command 'wacaw' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘wacaw’ command is a command-line tool for macOS that allows users to capture both still pictures and videos from an attached camera. This tool can be useful for various purposes, such as capturing images for documentation, recording videos for tutorials, or simply enjoying photography through your webcam.

Use case 1: Take a picture from the webcam


wacaw filename

Motivation: Taking a picture from the webcam can be useful in various situations. For example, you may need to quickly capture an image of yourself or your surroundings for a presentation, blog post, or social media. The ‘wacaw’ command simplifies this process by allowing you to capture images directly from your webcam using just a single command.


  • wacaw: This is the command itself.
  • filename: This argument specifies the name of the file that will be created to contain the captured image. You can replace ‘filename’ with the desired name of your image file.

Example output:

Image captured successfully and saved as 'filename.jpg'.

Use case 2: Record a video


wacaw --video filename --duration 10

Motivation: Recording a video can be useful when you need to create video tutorials, video logs (vlogs), or even capture memorable moments. The ‘wacaw’ command simplifies this process by allowing you to record videos directly from your webcam using customizable settings.


  • wacaw: This is the command itself.
  • --video: This option specifies that you want to record a video.
  • filename: This argument specifies the name of the file that will be created to contain the recorded video. You can replace ‘filename’ with the desired name of your video file.
  • --duration 10: This option specifies the duration of the video to be recorded in seconds. In this example, the video will be recorded for 10 seconds. You can replace ‘10’ with the desired duration for your video.

Example output:

Video recording started.
Video recording completed.
Video saved as ''.

Use case 3: Take a picture with custom resolution


wacaw --width width --height 100 filename

Motivation: Taking a picture with custom resolution can be useful when you have specific requirements for the image dimensions, such as for printing, web design, or any other purpose that requires a specific aspect ratio or size. The ‘wacaw’ command allows you to specify the width and height of the captured image to meet your specific needs.


  • wacaw: This is the command itself.
  • --width width: This option specifies the width of the captured image in pixels. You can replace ‘width’ with the desired width value.
  • --height 100: This option specifies the height of the captured image in pixels. In this example, the height is set to 100 pixels. You can replace ‘100’ with the desired height value.
  • filename: This argument specifies the name of the file that will be created to contain the captured image. You can replace ‘filename’ with the desired name of your image file.

Example output:

Image captured successfully with a resolution of 'width'x'100' pixels and saved as 'filename.jpg'.

Use case 4: Copy image just taken to clipboard


wacaw --to-clipboard

Motivation: Copying the image just taken to the clipboard can be useful when you want to easily share the captured image with others, paste it into another application, or quickly upload it to an online platform. The ‘wacaw’ command allows you to copy the image to the clipboard with a single command.


  • wacaw: This is the command itself.
  • --to-clipboard: This option specifies that you want to copy the image just taken to the clipboard.

Example output:

Image copied to clipboard.

Use case 5: List the devices available


wacaw --list-devices

Motivation: Knowing the available devices can be useful when you have multiple cameras or sources connected to your macOS system, such as external webcams or built-in cameras from different devices. The ‘wacaw’ command allows you to list the available devices to ensure you select the correct camera for capturing pictures or recording videos.


  • wacaw: This is the command itself.
  • --list-devices: This option specifies that you want to list the devices available.

Example output:

Devices available:
  - Device 1
  - Device 2
  - Device 3


The ‘wacaw’ command is a versatile tool for capturing images and videos from an attached camera on macOS systems. With its simple and customizable options, it allows users to easily and quickly capture pictures, record videos, specify custom resolutions, copy images to the clipboard, and list available devices. By understanding and utilizing the various use cases provided in this article, users can enhance their webcam experience and make the most out of their cameras.

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