How to use the command 'webstorm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'webstorm' (with examples)

WebStorm is a JavaScript IDE developed by JetBrains, and it provides a command-line interface that allows users to perform various tasks using the command ‘webstorm’. This article provides several examples that illustrate different use cases of the command.

Use case 1: Open the current directory in WebStorm



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly open the current directory in WebStorm to start working on your JavaScript project.

Explanation: The command ‘webstorm’ without any arguments opens the current directory in WebStorm.

Example output: WebStorm opens, and the current directory is displayed in the IDE.

Use case 2: Open a specific directory in WebStorm


webstorm path/to/directory

Motivation: Sometimes, you might want to open a specific directory in WebStorm instead of the current directory. This use case allows you to do that.

Explanation: By specifying the path to a directory as an argument after the ‘webstorm’ command, you can open that directory in WebStorm.

Example output: WebStorm opens, and the specified directory is displayed in the IDE.

Use case 3: Open specific files in the LightEdit mode


webstorm -e path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: The LightEdit mode is a lightweight editing mode in WebStorm that allows you to quickly make changes to files without opening the entire IDE. This use case is helpful when you only need to perform minor edits to specific files.

Explanation: The ‘-e’ flag followed by the paths to the files allows you to open specific files in the LightEdit mode of WebStorm.

Example output: WebStorm opens in the LightEdit mode, and the specified files are shown for editing.

Use case 4: Open and wait until done editing a specific file in the LightEdit mode


webstorm --wait -e path/to/file

Motivation: In some cases, you might want to wait until you finish editing a specific file in the LightEdit mode before exiting the command. This use case allows you to do just that.

Explanation: The ‘–wait’ flag ensures that the command waits until you finish editing the specified file before exiting.

Example output: WebStorm opens in the LightEdit mode, the specified file is displayed for editing, and the command does not exit until you close the file.

Use case 5: Open a file with the cursor at the specific line


webstorm --line line_number path/to/file

Motivation: When working on a large file, it can be time-consuming to manually scroll to a specific line. This use case enables you to open a file with the cursor already positioned at the specified line number.

Explanation: The ‘–line’ flag followed by the line number and the path to the file opens the file with the cursor at the specified line.

Example output: WebStorm opens, and the specified file is displayed with the cursor at the specified line number.

Use case 6: Open and compare files (supports up to 3 files)


webstorm diff path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: When comparing multiple files, it can be tedious to open each file separately. This use case allows you to compare up to three files simultaneously in WebStorm.

Explanation: The ‘diff’ command followed by the paths to the files opens the specified files in a compare view, allowing you to see the differences between them.

Example output: WebStorm opens in the compare view, and the specified files are displayed side by side, highlighting the differences between them.

Use case 7: Open and perform a three-way merge


webstorm merge path/to/left_file path/to/right_file path/to/target_file

Motivation: When working with version control systems, merging changes from different branches can be complex. This use case enables you to perform a three-way merge in WebStorm, simplifying the process.

Explanation: The ‘merge’ command followed by the paths to the left file, right file, and target file opens the files in a three-way merge view, allowing you to resolve conflicts and merge changes.

Example output: WebStorm opens in the three-way merge view, and the specified files are displayed side by side, showing the differences between the left and right files. The target file is editable to resolve conflicts and merge changes.


The ‘webstorm’ command provides a convenient way to interact with WebStorm from the command line, allowing you to open directories, files, perform LightEdit, compare files, and perform three-way merges. These examples demonstrate the flexibility and power of the command, making it easier to work with JavaScript projects using WebStorm.

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