How to use the command "weechat" (with examples)

How to use the command "weechat" (with examples)

WeeChat is a command-line internet relay chat (IRC) client with various features. It provides a way for users to connect to IRC servers and chat with other users. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the weechat command.

Note: Ensure that you have WeeChat installed on your system before using these examples.

Use case 1: Start WeeChat



Motivation: This example starts WeeChat, allowing the user to connect to IRC servers and participate in chat rooms.

Explanation: Running weechat without any arguments starts the WeeChat client.

Use case 2: Do not load any plugin(s) on startup


weechat --no-plugin

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to start WeeChat without loading any plugins to enhance performance or troubleshoot plugin-related issues.

Explanation: The --no-plugin argument tells WeeChat not to load any plugins during startup.

Use case 3: Do not load any script(s) on startup


weechat --no-script

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, this example allows you to start WeeChat without loading any scripts to speed up startup or debug script-related problems.

Explanation: The --no-script argument instructs WeeChat not to load any scripts when it starts up.

Use case 4: Do not connect to servers automatically


weechat --no-connect

Motivation: By default, WeeChat automatically connects to configured servers upon startup. However, in some scenarios, you may want to avoid automatic connections, such as when you want to manage your connections manually.

Explanation: The --no-connect argument prevents WeeChat from automatically connecting to servers on startup.

Use case 5: Write default terminal colors to stdout


weechat --colors

Motivation: This use case allows you to retrieve the default terminal colors used by WeeChat.

Explanation: The --colors argument is used to output the default terminal colors used by WeeChat. This information can be useful for configuring your terminal to match the colors used by WeeChat.

Example output:

Default terminal colors
Foreground: #FFFFFF
Background: #000000


In this article, we explored several use cases of the weechat command. We learned how to start WeeChat, disable loading of plugins and scripts, prevent automatic server connections, and retrieve default terminal colors. These examples demonstrate the versatility and customization options available with WeeChat.

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