Using the `where` Command (with examples)

Using the `where` Command (with examples)

The where command in the Zsh shell is a useful tool for finding all known instances of a command. Whether it is an executable in the PATH environment variable, an alias, or a shell builtin, where will report all occurrences. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of the where command and provide code examples for each scenario.

Use Case 1: Find all instances of a command


where command


Finding all instances of a command can be helpful when troubleshooting or trying to understand how a command is being used in different contexts. This allows us to see the full scope of where a command is being executed.


In this example, where is followed by the name of the command we want to search for. It will then locate and report all known instances of that command.

Example Output:

Suppose the command we are searching for is ls. The output of where ls might look like this:


This output shows that the ls command is known in three different locations on the system.

Use Case 2: Find the location of a specific binary


where -b binary


Sometimes, it is necessary to know the exact location of a specific binary file. This could be useful for debugging, verifying the installation of a program, or checking the version of a particular binary.


By using the -b flag followed by the name of the binary file, where will report the location of that specific binary.

Example Output:

Let’s say we want to find the location of the python binary. Running where -b python might produce the following output:


This output confirms that the python binary is located in the /usr/bin directory.

Use Case 3: Check if a command is an alias


where -a command


Aliases can be defined in the shell to provide shortcuts or alternative names for commands. Verifying if a command is an alias is helpful for understanding how it functions or if it has been overridden.


By using the -a flag followed by the name of the command, where will indicate whether the command is an alias or not.

Example Output:

Suppose we want to check if the command ll is an alias. Running where -a ll might produce the following output:

ll: aliased to ls -l --color=auto

This output confirms that ll is indeed an alias for the ls command with additional options.

Use Case 4: Find the location of all instances of a command


where -all command


Similar to the first use case, finding the locations of all instances of a command can help in understanding the overall usage and variations of a specific command.


By using the -all flag followed by the name of the command, where will provide a detailed report of all known instances of that command.

Example Output:

Let’s consider the command gcc. Running where -all gcc might give us the following output:


This output shows that gcc is an executable located in two different directories, and there is also a corresponding man page available.

Use Case 5: Check if a command is a shell builtin


where -b -s command


Shell builtins are part of the shell itself and execute faster than external commands. Identifying if a command is a shell builtin is useful for understanding the performance characteristics of a command.


Using the -b flag along with the -s flag and the name of the command, where will indicate if the command is a shell builtin.

Example Output:

Suppose we want to check if the cd command is a shell builtin. Running where -b -s cd might produce the following output:

cd: shell builtin command

This output confirms that cd is indeed a shell builtin.

Use Case 6: Find all instances of a command in the current shell session


where -c command


When working in a shell session, it can be helpful to know where a specific command is being executed from. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex environments or when there are multiple instances of a command.


Using the -c flag followed by the name of the command, where will find all instances of the command specifically in the current shell session.

Example Output:

Let’s suppose we have multiple instances of the grep command in our current shell session. Running where -c grep might produce the following output:


This output reveals that the grep command is being executed from both the /bin and /usr/bin directories within the current shell session.

Use Case 7: Find all instances of an executable in the PATH environment variable


where -p executable


Sometimes, it is necessary to locate all instances of an executable in the PATH environment variable. This is useful for troubleshooting issues related to conflicting or outdated versions of executables.


By using the -p flag followed by the name of the executable, where will report all known instances of that executable within the directories of the PATH environment variable.

Example Output:

Suppose we want to find all instances of the node executable. Running where -p node might produce the following output:


This output indicates that the node executable is located in both the /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

Use Case 8: Find all instances of an alias


where -a -p alias


Similar to the previous use case, finding all instances of an alias is useful for identifying if there are conflicting or overridden versions of aliases defined in different locations.


Using the -a flag along with the -p flag and the name of the alias, where will report all known instances of that alias.

Example Output:

Let’s assume we have defined an alias myalias in two different locations. Running where -a -p myalias might produce the following output:

myalias: aliased to echo "Alias defined in .zshrc"
myalias: aliased to echo "Alias defined in .bashrc"

This output reveals that the myalias alias has two different definitions, one in the .zshrc file and another in the .bashrc file.


The where command in the Zsh shell provides a powerful tool for locating all known instances of a command, whether they are executables, aliases, or shell builtins. By exploring the various use cases and examples provided in this article, users can effectively utilize the where command to gain insights into the usage, locations, and intricacies of commands in their shell environment.

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