How to use the command winget (with examples)

How to use the command winget (with examples)

The winget command is a Windows Package Manager that allows users to install, remove, and manage software packages on their Windows machines. It provides a command-line interface for performing various package-related operations.

Use case 1: Install a package


winget install package

Motivation: The install command is used to install a specific package. This allows users to easily and quickly install software without the need to navigate through websites or run installers manually.

Explanation: The install argument specifies that we want to install a package. The package argument should be replaced with the name or identifier of the package that you want to install.

Example output: If successful, the command will display a message indicating that the package has been installed.

Use case 2: Remove a package


winget uninstall package

Motivation: The uninstall command allows users to easily uninstall software packages that they no longer need. This helps to free up disk space and keep the system clean.

Explanation: The uninstall argument specifies that we want to remove a package. The package argument should be replaced with the name or identifier of the package that you want to uninstall.

Example output: If successful, the command will display a message indicating that the package has been uninstalled.

Use case 3: Display information about a package


winget show package

Motivation: The show command provides detailed information about a specific package. This can be useful when users want to learn more about a package before installing it or need to obtain specific details about a package.

Explanation: The show argument specifies that we want to display information about a package. The package argument should be replaced with the name or identifier of the package that you want to see information about.

Example output: The command will display detailed information about the specified package, including its name, publisher, version, and description.

Use case 4: Search for a package


winget search package

Motivation: The search command allows users to search for a specific package or packages that match a particular query. This makes it easier to find and discover new software.

Explanation: The search argument specifies that we want to search for a package. The package argument should be replaced with the name or identifier of the package that you want to search for.

Example output: The command will display a list of packages that match the search query, including their names, publishers, versions, and descriptions.

Use case 5: Upgrade all packages to the latest versions


winget upgrade --all

Motivation: The upgrade command allows users to upgrade all installed packages to the latest available versions. This ensures that users are using the most up-to-date software with the latest features and bug fixes.

Explanation: The upgrade argument specifies that we want to upgrade packages. The --all option is used to upgrade all installed packages on the system.

Example output: If there are any newer versions of the installed packages, the command will display the packages being upgraded and their versions.

Use case 6: List all packages installed that can be managed with winget


winget list --source winget

Motivation: The list command allows users to view a list of all the packages that can be managed using the winget command. This provides an overview of the installed packages and their status.

Explanation: The list argument specifies that we want to list packages. The --source option is used to specify the package source. In this case, the value is set to “winget” to list packages that can be managed with winget.

Example output: The command will display a list of all the packages that can be managed using the winget command, including their names, publishers, versions, and installation locations.

Use case 7: Import packages from a file, or export installed packages to a file


winget import|export --import-file|--output path/to/file

Motivation: The import and export commands allow users to import packages from a file or export the installed packages to a file. This helps in backing up and restoring packages or sharing them with others.

Explanation: The import|export argument specifies that we want to import or export packages. The --import-file or --output option is used to specify the file path for importing or exporting packages.

Example output: If successful, the command will import packages from the specified file or export the installed packages to the specified file.

Use case 8: Validate manifests before submitting a PR to the winget-pkgs repository


winget validate path/to/manifest

Motivation: The validate command allows users to check the validity of package manifests before submitting a PR (Pull Request) to the winget-pkgs repository. This helps in ensuring that the package manifests adhere to the required format and standards.

Explanation: The validate argument specifies that we want to validate package manifests. The path/to/manifest argument should be replaced with the path to the package manifest file that you want to validate.

Example output: The command will display any errors or warnings encountered during the validation process, helping the user identify and fix issues in the package manifest.


The winget command provides a powerful and convenient way to manage software packages on Windows machines. With its various use cases, users can easily install, remove, search, and upgrade packages, as well as import/export packages and validate package manifests. By leveraging the capabilities of winget, users can streamline and automate their software management workflows.

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