Using the WMIC Command for Detailed Process Information (with examples)

Using the WMIC Command for Detailed Process Information (with examples)


The WMIC command is a powerful tool provided by Windows for retrieving detailed information about running processes on a system. It stands for “Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line.” This command enables administrators and users to obtain vital information about processes, as well as perform operations such as killing a process.

In this article, we will explore several use cases of the WMIC command for viewing and managing processes. Each use case will be accompanied by a code example, a motivation for using the example, an explanation of the command arguments, and an example output to help you understand the power and versatility of this command.

Use Case 1: Show Brief Details about Currently Running Processes


wmic process list brief


When troubleshooting or analyzing system performance, it is often helpful to get a quick overview of the currently running processes on a Windows system. The WMIC command with the list brief option provides a concise and informative summary of the essential details about these processes.


The process alias is used to retrieve process information, while the list verb is used to display the information. The brief flag is added to obtain a summary view of the running processes.

Example Output

Caption                    ProcessId
csrss.exe                  516
wininit.exe                724
csrss.exe                  732
services.exe               820
lsass.exe                  848
svchost.exe                992
winlogon.exe               1016
svchost.exe                1052
svchost.exe                1136
svchost.exe                1172

Use Case 2: Show Full Details about Currently Running Processes


wmic process list full


While the brief details about processes provide a good overview, sometimes you need more comprehensive information to understand the behavior of a particular process. With the list full option, the WMIC command provides detailed information about running processes on the system.


Similar to the previous use case, the process alias and the list verb are used. However, instead of using the brief flag, we use the full flag to retrieve detailed information about the running processes.

Example Output

Name              : csrss.exe
ParentProcessId   : 460
ProcessId         : 516
ThreadCount       : 8

Use Case 3: Access Specific Fields for Currently Running Processes


wmic process get name,processid,parentprocessid


Sometimes, you may only be interested in specific details about running processes, such as the process name, process ID, or parent process ID. Instead of getting a long list of information, the WMIC command allows you to define specific fields that you want to retrieve for each process.


The process alias is used similarly to the previous use cases. However, instead of using the list verb, we use the get verb followed by the specific fields we want to access, separated by commas.

Example Output

Name             ParentProcessId   ProcessId
csrss.exe        460               516
wininit.exe      584               724

Use Case 4: Display Information about a Specific Process


wmic process where name="example.exe" list full


In scenarios where you want to obtain detailed information about a particular process, the ability to filter the process information based on specific criteria is invaluable. The WMIC command can show detailed information about a specific process by filtering it based on its name.


In this example, both the process alias and the list verb are used again. However, the where clause is added to specify the condition for filtering processes. Here, we filter the processes based on their names using the name="example.exe" condition.

Example Output

Name              : example.exe
ParentProcessId   : 1500
ProcessId         : 2236
ThreadCount       : 15

Use Case 5: Display Specific Fields for a Specific Process


wmic process where processid=pid get name,commandline


If you are interested in obtaining specific details for a particular process, such as its name or command-line parameters, the WMIC command provides the flexibility to filter processes based on their process ID and retrieve only the desired fields.


In this use case, we extend the previous example by filtering the process based on its process ID (processid). The get verb is followed by the specific fields we want to retrieve (name and commandline).

Example Output

Name           CommandLine
example.exe    "C:\Program Files\Example\example.exe" -debug

Use Case 6: Kill a Process


wmic process pid delete


There may be situations where you need to terminate a specific process due to issues like unresponsiveness or high resource consumption. The WMIC command provides a convenient way to kill a process by its process ID.


The process alias is used, followed by the process ID (pid) of the process you want to terminate. The delete verb is used to terminate the process with the specified process ID.

Example Output

No output is displayed if the process is successfully terminated. If there is an error, an appropriate error message will be shown.


The WMIC command offers a comprehensive set of capabilities for managing and analyzing running processes on Windows systems. By leveraging its intuitive syntax and various options, you can obtain both an overview and detailed information about processes, access specific fields, filter processes based on conditions, and terminate unwanted or problematic processes. These use cases demonstrate the power and versatility of the WMIC command in process management and troubleshooting.

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