How to use the command wordgrinder (with examples)

How to use the command wordgrinder (with examples)

WordGrinder is a command-line word processor that allows you to create and edit documents in a terminal environment. It is a lightweight and fast alternative to traditional WYSIWYG word processors. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the wordgrinder command.

Use case 1: Start WordGrinder (loads a blank document by default)



Motivation: Starting WordGrinder without any arguments will launch the application and load a blank document. This is useful when you want to start writing a new document from scratch.


  • wordgrinder: This is the command to start the WordGrinder application without opening any specific file.

Example output: Upon running the command, WordGrinder will start and display a blank document where you can begin typing and editing your content.

Use case 2: Open a given file


wordgrinder filename

Motivation: The wordgrinder command allows you to open and edit existing documents. By specifying the filename as an argument, you can directly open a particular file in WordGrinder for further modifications.


  • wordgrinder: This is the command to start the WordGrinder application.
  • filename: The name of the file you want to open in WordGrinder.

Example output: If the specified file exists, WordGrinder will open it in the application window. You can then make any necessary edits or additions to the document.

Use case 3: Show the menu


Alt + M

Motivation: WordGrinder provides a menu that you can access to perform various actions, such as saving, quitting, formatting, and more. Knowing how to access the menu is essential to fully utilize the capabilities of the word processor.


  • Alt + M: Pressing the Alt key and M key simultaneously will activate the menu in WordGrinder.

Example output: When you press Alt + M, the menu will be displayed on the screen, presenting you with a list of options to choose from. You can navigate through the menu using the arrow keys and select an option by pressing the enter key.


WordGrinder is a powerful command-line word processor that offers a range of functionalities for creating and editing documents. Whether you need to start a new document, open an existing one, or access the menu for additional options, understanding the various use cases of the wordgrinder command will help you make the most out of this versatile tool.

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