Using wpa_cli (with examples)

Using wpa_cli (with examples)

1: Scanning for available networks


wpa_cli scan


Scanning for available networks allows users to see the list of wireless networks in their vicinity. This is helpful when trying to connect to a specific network or troubleshooting connectivity issues.


The ‘scan’ command is used to instruct the wpa_cli utility to scan for available networks. This command triggers the wireless interface to scan for nearby wireless networks and retrieve the list of scan results.

Example Output:


2: Showing scan results


wpa_cli scan_results


Showing scan results provides users with detailed information about the available wireless networks, such as their SSID, signal strength, encryption methods, and supported authentication protocols. This information can help users make informed decisions when connecting to a network.


The ‘scan_results’ command is used to display the scan results obtained from the previous network scan. It retrieves and presents information about each available network, including its SSID, frequency, signal level, security capabilities, and other relevant details.

Example Output:

bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
00:11:22:33:44:55	2412	-80	[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	Network_1
11:22:33:44:55:66	2437	-92	[OPEN][WEP][ESS]	Network_2
22:33:44:55:66:77	2462	-75	[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	Network_3

3: Adding a network


wpa_cli add_network number


Adding a network allows users to configure settings for a specific wireless network they want to connect to. This is useful when manually setting up connections or managing multiple wireless networks.


The ‘add_network’ command is used to create a new network entry. It generates a new network identifier (number) for the network and prepares it for configuration.

Example Output:


4: Setting a network’s SSID


wpa_cli set_network number ssid "SSID"


Setting a network’s SSID is necessary to specify the name of the wireless network to which the user wants to connect. By providing the correct SSID, the user can establish a connection to the desired network.


The ‘set_network’ command, followed by the ‘ssid’ argument, is used to set the SSID (Service Set Identifier) for a specific network. The ’number’ parameter represents the network identifier generated in the previous step. The ‘SSID’ parameter should be replaced with the actual name of the network.

Example Output:


5: Enabling a network


wpa_cli enable_network number


Enabling a network is necessary to allow the user’s device to attempt to connect to the specified wireless network. This command activates the network entry, making it available for connection.


The ’enable_network’ command is used to enable a specific network entry for connecting. The ’number’ parameter refers to the network identifier generated for the desired network. Once enabled, the device will attempt to establish a connection with the network.

Example Output:


6: Saving the configuration


wpa_cli save_config


Saving the configuration is essential to persist any changes made to the network settings. By saving the configuration, users ensure that their desired network settings are retained even after rebooting or restarting their device.


The ‘save_config’ command is used to store the current configuration into a persistent storage location. This ensures that any modifications made to network settings, such as adding networks or enabling a network, are saved and applied on subsequent device restarts.

Example Output:


By utilizing the wpa_cli command with the provided use cases, users can effectively manage and configure their wireless network connections. These examples demonstrate the flexibility and functionality of the wpa_cli utility in WLAN interface configuration.

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