How to use the command 'wpa_supplicant' (with examples)

How to use the command 'wpa_supplicant' (with examples)

The ‘wpa_supplicant’ command is used to manage protected wireless networks. It allows users to connect to and configure wireless networks using the WPA and WPA2 security protocols. This command is commonly used on Linux systems to establish a secure connection to Wi-Fi networks.

Use case 1: Join a protected wireless network


wpa_supplicant -i interface -c path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf


This use case is useful when you want to connect to a protected wireless network using the ‘wpa_supplicant’ command. By providing the interface and the path to the configuration file, you can establish a secure connection to the network.


  • -i interface: This argument specifies the network interface to be used for the connection. You need to replace ‘interface’ with the name of your network interface, such as wlan0 or eth0.
  • -c path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf: This argument points to the configuration file that contains the network settings. Replace ‘path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf’ with the actual path to your configuration file.

Example output:

Successfully connected to the protected wireless network.

Use case 2: Join a protected wireless network and run it in a daemon


wpa_supplicant -B -i interface -c path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf


Running ‘wpa_supplicant’ in daemon mode allows the command to run in the background, making it a suitable option for long-term wireless network connections. This use case is beneficial when you want to connect to a protected Wi-Fi network and have the command continue running even after the terminal session is closed.


  • -B: This argument runs ‘wpa_supplicant’ in the background, or as a daemon process. It ensures that the command persists even after the terminal session is closed.
  • -i interface: This argument specifies the network interface to be used for the connection. Replace ‘interface’ with the name of your network interface.
  • -c path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf: This argument points to the configuration file that contains the network settings. Replace ‘path/to/wpa_supplicant_conf.conf’ with the actual path to your configuration file.

Example output:

wpa_supplicant is running in the background and connected to the protected wireless network.


The ‘wpa_supplicant’ command is a powerful tool for managing protected wireless networks. With the ability to connect to networks and run as a daemon, it provides users with flexible options for establishing secure Wi-Fi connections on their Linux systems. Whether you need a one-time connection or a long-term background process, ‘wpa_supplicant’ has you covered.

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