How to use the command 'wpaclean' (with examples)

How to use the command 'wpaclean' (with examples)

The ‘wpaclean’ command is part of the Aircrack-ng network software suite and is used to clean capture files and extract only the 4-way handshake and a beacon. It is mainly used for network security and analysis purposes.

Use case 1: Clean capture and save only the 4-way handshake and a beacon in the result


wpaclean path/to/result.cap path/to/capture.cap

Motivation: Using this example, you can extract only the 4-way handshake and a beacon from a capture file and save it in a separate result file. This is useful when you want to focus on analyzing the network security and identifying vulnerabilities.


  • wpaclean: The command itself.
  • path/to/result.cap: The path and name of the result file where the cleaned capture will be saved.
  • path/to/capture.cap: The path and name of the capture file that needs to be cleaned.

Example output: The command will clean the specified capture file and save the cleaned 4-way handshake and beacon in the specified result file. The output will not include any unnecessary information, making it easier to analyze and work with.

Use case 2: Clean multiple captures and save 4-way handshakes and beacons in the result


wpaclean path/to/result.cap path/to/capture1.cap path/to/capture2.cap ...

Motivation: This example allows you to clean multiple capture files at once and save the extracted 4-way handshakes and beacons in a single result file. This is useful when you have multiple captures from different access points and want to analyze and compare their security.


  • wpaclean: The command itself.
  • path/to/result.cap: The path and name of the result file where the cleaned captures will be saved.
  • path/to/capture1.cap, path/to/capture2.cap, …: The paths and names of the capture files that need to be cleaned. You can provide as many capture files as needed.

Example output: The command will clean each of the specified capture files, extract their respective 4-way handshakes and beacons, and save them all in the specified result file. The output will be a single result file containing the cleaned data from all the captures, allowing for easy comparison and analysis.


The ‘wpaclean’ command is a powerful tool in the Aircrack-ng network software suite, allowing you to extract and clean only the 4-way handshake and a beacon from capture files. By using this command, you can focus on analyzing the network security and identifying potential vulnerabilities without the distraction of irrelevant data. Whether you need to clean a single capture or multiple captures, ‘wpaclean’ provides a straightforward way to accomplish the task efficiently.

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