How to use the command 'wsl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'wsl' (with examples)

The ‘wsl’ command is used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which allows running a Linux environment natively on Windows. It provides various functionalities to start a Linux shell, run Linux commands, specify distributions, list available distributions, export/import distributions, change the version of WSL used, and shut down WSL.

Use case 1: Start a Linux shell (in the default distribution)


wsl shell_command

Motivation: Starting a Linux shell allows users to work with their preferred Linux environment and utilize its command-line tools and utilities.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘shell_command’: The Linux shell command to run after starting the shell.

Example output:

wsl ls -l

This will start the default Linux distribution’s shell and execute the ’ls -l’ command, listing the files and directories in the current directory.

Use case 2: Run a Linux command without using a shell


wsl --exec command command_arguments

Motivation: Running Linux commands directly without using a shell can be useful for running automated scripts or executing specific tasks without interactive shell behavior.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘–exec’: A flag to indicate running a Linux command directly without using a shell.
  • ‘command’: The Linux command to execute.
  • ‘command_arguments’: The arguments to pass to the command.

Example output:

wsl --exec echo "Hello, World!"

This will execute the ’echo “Hello, World!”’ command in the default Linux distribution without starting a shell, resulting in the output “Hello, World!”.

Use case 3: Specify a particular distribution


wsl --distribution distribution shell_command

Motivation: In case multiple Linux distributions are installed, specifying a particular distribution allows running commands or opening a shell in a specific environment.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘–distribution’: A flag to indicate the specific distribution to use.
  • ‘distribution’: The name of the distribution to use.
  • ‘shell_command’: The Linux shell command to run after starting the shell.

Example output:

wsl --distribution Ubuntu ls /

This will start the Ubuntu distribution’s shell and execute the ’ls /’ command, listing the files and directories in the root directory.

Use case 4: List available distributions


wsl --list

Motivation: Listing available distributions provides an overview of installed Linux distributions on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Example output:

wsl --list

This will list all the available Linux distributions installed on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Use case 5: Export a distribution to a .tar file


wsl --export distribution path\to\distro_file.tar

Motivation: Exporting a distribution allows creating a backup or transferring it to another machine.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘–export’: A flag to indicate exporting a distribution.
  • ‘distribution’: The name of the distribution to export.
  • ‘path\to\distro_file.tar’: The path and filename of the .tar file to export the distribution to.

Example output:

wsl --export Ubuntu C:\Users\Username\Ubuntu.tar

This will export the Ubuntu distribution to the ‘C:\Users\Username\Ubuntu.tar’ file.

Use case 6: Import a distribution from a .tar file


wsl --import distribution path\to\install_location path/to/distro_file.tar

Motivation: Importing a distribution allows installing and using a previously exported distribution on another machine or restoring a backup.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘–import’: A flag to indicate importing a distribution.
  • ‘distribution’: The name of the distribution to import.
  • ‘path\to\install_location’: The path where the distribution will be installed.
  • ‘path/to/distro_file.tar’: The path and filename of the .tar file containing the distribution to import.

Example output:

wsl --import Ubuntu-2 C:\WSL\Ubuntu-2 C:\Users\Username\Ubuntu.tar

This will import the Ubuntu distribution from the ‘C:\Users\Username\Ubuntu.tar’ file and install it in the ‘C:\WSL\Ubuntu-2’ directory.

Use case 7: Change the version of WSL used for the specified distribution


wsl --set-version distribution version

Motivation: Changing the WSL version for a distribution allows taking advantage of new features and improvements introduced in different versions of WSL.


  • ‘wsl’: The command used to manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘–set-version’: A flag to indicate changing the WSL version.
  • ‘distribution’: The name of the distribution to modify.
  • ‘version’: The desired version of WSL to use (1 or 2).

Example output:

wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2

This will change the WSL version of the Ubuntu distribution to version 2.

Use case 8: Shut down Windows Subsystem for Linux


wsl --shutdown

Motivation: Shutting down the Windows Subsystem for Linux allows stopping all running environments and freeing up system resources.

Example output:

wsl --shutdown

This will shut down all running Linux distributions on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

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