How to use the command x_x (with examples)

How to use the command x_x (with examples)

The x_x command is a powerful tool for viewing Excel (XLSX) and CSV files directly from the command line. It supports various use cases such as viewing files, using table headers, and handling unconventional delimiters.

Use case 1: View an XLSX or CSV file


x_x file.xlsx|file.csv

Motivation: This use case allows us to easily view the content of an XLSX or CSV file without having to open it in Excel or another application. This can be useful when quick access to the file’s content is needed.

Explanation: The command x_x is followed by the path to the file we want to view. The file can be in either XLSX or CSV format. The pipe character | is used to separate multiple files if needed.

Example output: The command will display the content of the specified file(s) in a tabular format, making it easy to read and analyze the data.

Use case 2: View an XLSX or CSV file, using the first row as table headers


x_x -h 0 file.xlsx|file.csv

Motivation: When working with Excel or CSV files, it is common to have the first row as table headers. By using this use case, we can ensure that the command recognizes the first row as headers, making the data more meaningful.

Explanation: The -h flag is used to specify the row number that should be treated as headers. In this case, we use 0 to indicate that the first row should be considered as headers. The command x_x is then followed by the path to the file(s) we want to view, separating multiple files with the pipe character |.

Example output: The command will display the content of the specified file(s), treating the first row as headers. This allows for a better understanding of the data and easier analysis.

Use case 3: View a CSV file with unconventional delimiters


x_x --delimiter=';' --quotechar='|' file.csv

Motivation: CSV files often use commas as delimiters and quotes as the quote character. However, there are cases where unconventional delimiters and quote characters are used. This use case allows us to view CSV files with non-standard delimiters and quote characters.

Explanation: The --delimiter flag is used to specify the delimiter used in the CSV file. In this case, we use ; to indicate that semicolons are used as delimiters. The --quotechar flag is used to specify the character used for quoting fields. Here, we use | to indicate that the pipe character is used as the quote character. The command x_x is then followed by the path to the CSV file.

Example output: The command will display the content of the CSV file, parsing it with the specified delimiter and quote character. This allows for proper visualization and interpretation of the data.


The x_x command provides a convenient way to view Excel and CSV files directly from the command line. It supports various use cases, such as viewing files, using table headers, and handling unconventional delimiters. By leveraging this command, users can quickly access and analyze the content of their data files without the need for external applications.

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