How to view Excel and CSV files with 'x_x' (with examples)

How to view Excel and CSV files with 'x_x' (with examples)

‘x_x’ is a versatile command-line tool designed to facilitate the quick viewing of Excel (XLSX) and CSV files. Developed to simplify data inspection without the need for bulky software, ‘x_x’ provides you with a convenient method to inspect the structure and content of your spreadsheet files directly from the terminal. This command becomes particularly valuable for users who frequently work with data files and need a lightweight, fast way to examine them on the go. Below, we explore several use cases of the ‘x_x’ command, complete with explanations, motivations, and example outputs to guide you through its functionalities.

Use case 1: View an XLSX or CSV file


x_x file.xlsx|file.csv

Motivation: This basic use case is ideal for users who simply want to take a quick look at the content of an Excel or CSV file without launching a heavy application like Excel or Google Sheets. It allows for a fast inspection of the data, which can be particularly valuable for tasks such as validating data format, checking data integrity, or simply reviewing the data content during exploratory data analysis.


  • x_x: The command itself, which initiates the file viewing process.
  • file.xlsx|file.csv: Represents the path to your target file(s). By specifying either an XLSX or CSV file, you instruct ‘x_x’ to open and display the file’s contents in a readable format.

Example Output: Imagine you have a CSV file named data.csv with the following content:

Name, Age, Occupation
John Doe, 30, Developer
Jane Smith, 25, Designer

Running the command would yield an output similar to:

Name          Age  Occupation
John Doe      30   Developer
Jane Smith    25   Designer

Use case 2: View an XLSX or CSV file, using the first row as table headers


x_x -h 0 file.xlsx|file.csv

Motivation: Many data files use the first row to contain headers that describe the data contained in each column. This use case allows you to view the file while treating the first row as the table headers, enhancing readability and comprehension of the dataset. It’s particularly beneficial when you need to understand the context of the data quickly by looking at the column names.


  • x_x: The command to execute.
  • -h 0: This option explicitly tells ‘x_x’ to use the first row (indexed as 0) as the headers of your table. This option is crucial when the default behavior does not automatically recognize the first row as headers.
  • file.xlsx|file.csv: Specifies the file you wish to examine, highlighting the importance of having a properly formatted first row of headers for clarity.

Example Output: Consider a CSV file employees.csv with these contents:

EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Department
001, John, Doe, IT
002, Jane, Smith, Marketing

When you run this command, the output will display:

EmployeeID  FirstName  LastName  Department
001         John       Doe       IT
002         Jane       Smith     Marketing

Use case 3: View a CSV file with unconventional delimiters


x_x --delimiter=';' --quotechar='|' file.csv

Motivation: Files originating from various sources, especially those not adhering to standard conventions, may use unconventional delimiters and quote characters, such as ; for delimiting cells and | for enclosing text fields. This use case demonstrates how to handle such files, making ‘x_x’ an adaptable tool capable of parsing a wide variety of delimiter-separated values formats. If you’re dealing with export files from foreign software systems or international data exchanges, this feature is highly advantageous.


  • x_x: The command utility you are deploying.
  • --delimiter=';': This flag sets the delimiter used to separate values in your CSV, enabling ‘x_x’ to correctly parse the content.
  • --quotechar='|': This specifies the character used to quote strings, which helps properly interpret values containing special characters or delimiters.
  • file.csv: Indicates the CSV file you intend to process, which contains unconventional delimiting and quoting styles.

Example Output: Suppose you have a CSV unconventional.csv file content as follows:

"Name"; "Age"; "Occupation"
"Anna|Marie"; "29"; "Scientist"
"Mark|Twain"; "44"; "Author"

Executing the command would display:

Name        Age  Occupation
Anna Marie  29   Scientist
Mark Twain  44   Author


These examples illustrate how the ‘x_x’ command can streamline your data reviewing processes in various scenarios, from simple file viewing to handling files with unique structural requirements. With ‘x_x,’ you can enhance your data examination workflows without the overhead of large software, enabling clearer and quicker insights from your datasets.

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