How to use the command "xcaddy" (with examples)

How to use the command "xcaddy" (with examples)

xcaddy is a custom build tool for the Caddy Web Server. It allows users to build and run the Caddy server, specify a particular version or module, and output the build to a specific file. This article provides examples of each of these use cases to guide users in utilizing the xcaddy command effectively.

Use case 1: Build Caddy server from source


xcaddy build

Motivation: Building the Caddy server from source allows users to modify or extend its functionality according to their specific needs.

Explanation: This command builds the Caddy server from its source code.

Example output:

Building Caddy with standard modules...
build complete: /path/to/caddy

Use case 2: Build Caddy server with a specific version


xcaddy build version

Motivation: Sometimes, users may require a specific version of the Caddy server due to compatibility or feature requirements.

Explanation: This command builds the Caddy server using the specified version. If no version is provided, it defaults to the latest version.

Example output:

Building Caddy with version v2.4.1...
build complete: /path/to/caddy

Use case 3: Build Caddy with a specific module


xcaddy build --with module_name

Motivation: Users may want to add or include specific modules in their Caddy server build to enhance its capabilities.

Explanation: This command builds the Caddy server with the specified module_name. Users need to provide the name of the module they want to include. For example, if the module_name is “caddy-auth-ldap,” it will build Caddy with LDAP authentication support.

Example output:

Building Caddy with module "caddy-auth-ldap"...
build complete: /path/to/caddy

Use case 4: Build Caddy and output to a specific file


xcaddy build --output path/to/file

Motivation: Outputting the Caddy server build to a specific file allows users to easily distribute or deploy the compiled binary.

Explanation: This command builds the Caddy server and saves the output binary to the specified path/to/file. Users need to provide the desired file path as an argument.

Example output:

Building Caddy with standard modules...
build complete: path/to/file/caddy

Use case 5: Build and run Caddy for a development plugin in the current directory


xcaddy run

Motivation: Developers working on Caddy plugins may want to quickly build and test their plugins in a development environment.

Explanation: This command builds and runs the Caddy server using a development plugin located in the current directory. It automatically detects the plugin and sets up a development environment for testing.

Example output:

Building and running Caddy with the development plugin...
2021/08/15 15:30:00 Serving HTTP on :8080

Use case 6: Build and run Caddy for a development plugin using a specific Caddy config


xcaddy run --config path/to/file

Motivation: Developers may need to test their plugins with a specific configuration file to simulate different scenarios.

Explanation: This command builds and runs the Caddy server using a development plugin located in the current directory and a specific Caddy config file. Users need to provide the path/to/file argument with the desired config file to use.

Example output:

Building and running Caddy with the development plugin and specific config...
2021/08/15 15:30:00 Serving HTTP on :8080


The xcaddy command provides various use cases for building and running the Caddy server. Whether it’s building from source, specifying a particular version or module, outputting to a specific file, or testing development plugins, xcaddy offers flexibility and ease of use. By following the examples outlined in this article, users can harness the power of xcaddy and customize their Caddy server to suit their individual needs.

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