Managing Multiple Xcode Versions with xcodes (with examples)

Managing Multiple Xcode Versions with xcodes (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

As a developer, you may often need to work with different versions of Xcode for various projects or to test compatibility. However, managing multiple Xcode versions manually can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. Thankfully, there is a tool called xcodes that allows you to download, install, and manage multiple Xcode versions effortlessly. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of xcodes command, along with their code examples, motivations, argument explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: List all installed Xcode versions

Code Example:

xcodes installed


This command is useful to quickly check the Xcode versions installed on your machine. It helps you determine which Xcode versions you have available for selection or removal.

Argument Explanation:

The installed argument lists all the Xcode versions currently installed on your machine.

Example Output:


The command will output a list of installed Xcode versions, each version on a new line.

Use Case 2: List all available Xcode versions

Code Example:

xcodes list


This command allows you to view all the Xcode versions available for download. It is helpful when you want to find a specific Xcode version for installation or compare different available versions.

Argument Explanation:

The list argument fetches and displays all available Xcode versions from the official Apple Developer website.

Example Output:


The command will output a list of available Xcode versions where each version is displayed on a new line.

Use Case 3: Select an Xcode version

Code Example:

xcodes select 11.5


This command allows you to specify a particular Xcode version that you want to use for development or testing. By selecting a specific version, you ensure that all the Xcode-related actions you perform are using that selected version.

Argument Explanation:

The select argument followed by the version number or path specifies the Xcode version you want to use. The version number can be in the format of “x.y.z”.

Example Output:

Xcode version 11.5 selected.

The command will output a success message indicating that the specified Xcode version has been selected.

Use Case 4: Download and install a specific Xcode version

Code Example:

xcodes install 12.5


This command allows you to download and install a specific Xcode version. It is useful when you want to install additional Xcode versions or if you need a specific version for compatibility purposes.

Argument Explanation:

The install argument followed by the version number triggers the download and installation of the specified Xcode version.

Example Output:

Downloading Xcode 12.5...
Installing Xcode 12.5...
Xcode 12.5 successfully installed.

The command will output a progress message while downloading and installing the specified Xcode version, followed by a success message when the installation is completed.

Use Case 5: Install the latest Xcode release and select it

Code Example:

xcodes install --latest --select


This command automatically downloads and installs the latest Xcode release and selects it as the default Xcode version. It is helpful when you want to keep your Xcode installation up to date or start using the latest features and improvements.

Argument Explanation:

The install argument followed by the --latest flag triggers the download and installation of the latest Xcode release. The --select flag automatically selects the newly installed Xcode version.

Example Output:

Downloading latest Xcode release...
Installing Xcode 13.0...
Xcode 13.0 successfully installed and selected.

The command will output a progress message while downloading and installing the latest Xcode release, followed by a success message when the installation is completed and the latest Xcode version is selected.

Use Case 6: Download a specific Xcode version archive without installing it

Code Example:

xcodes download 10.3 --directory /path/to/directory


This command allows you to download a specific Xcode version archive without automatically installing it. This can be useful when you want to manually install the Xcode version at a later time or store the archive for offline usage.

Argument Explanation:

The download argument followed by the version number triggers the download of the specified Xcode version. The --directory flag followed by the desired directory path specifies the location where the Xcode version archive should be saved.

Example Output:

Downloading Xcode 10.3 to /path/to/directory/Xcode_10.3.xip...
Xcode 10.3 successfully downloaded.

The command will output a progress message while downloading the specified Xcode version, followed by a success message when the download is completed, and the archive is saved to the specified directory.

In the second part of this article, we will explore two more use cases to demonstrate the versatility of the xcodes command. Stay tuned for the next set of examples!

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