How to use the command 'xcodes runtimes' (with examples)

How to use the command 'xcodes runtimes' (with examples)

The ‘xcodes runtimes’ command is used to manage Xcode Simulator runtimes. It allows users to display available runtimes, download and install specific runtimes, and set custom download locations. This article provides examples of various use cases for the ‘xcodes runtimes’ command.

Use case 1: Display all available Simulator runtimes


xcodes runtimes --include-betas

Motivation: This use case is helpful for developers who want to see a complete list of available Simulator runtimes, including beta versions.

Explanation: The ‘–include-betas’ flag is used to include beta Simulator runtimes in the list. By default, only stable versions are displayed.

Example output:

Available runtimes:
13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)
13.6 (13.6 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B59384FAD5)
12.4 (12.4 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B55321FAD5)

Use case 2: Download a Simulator runtime


xcodes runtimes download runtime_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when users want to download a specific Simulator runtime for later installation.

Explanation: The ‘download’ command is used to download a Simulator runtime. ‘runtime_name’ should be replaced with the desired runtime identifier, which can be obtained from the list of available runtimes.

Example output:

Downloading 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)...
Download complete.

Use case 3: Download and install a Simulator runtime


xcodes runtimes install runtime_name

Motivation: This use case is helpful when users want to quickly download and install a specific Simulator runtime.

Explanation: The ‘install’ command is used to download and install a Simulator runtime. ‘runtime_name’ should be replaced with the desired runtime identifier from the list of available runtimes.

Example output:

Downloading 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)...
Download complete.
Installing 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)...
Installation complete.

Use case 4: Download/install a Simulator runtime for specific iOS/watchOS/tvOS/visionOS version


xcodes runtimes download|install "iOS|watchOS|tvOS|visionOS runtime_version"

Motivation: This use case allows users to download and install a Simulator runtime specifically for an iOS, watchOS, tvOS, or visionOS version.

Explanation: The command can be used to download or install a Simulator runtime for a specific version by specifying the OS and version. The OS and version should be written as case-sensitive.

Example output:

Downloading iOS 14.0 runtime...
Download complete.

Use case 5: Set a specific location for the runtime archive


xcodes runtimes download|install runtime_name --directory path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is helpful when users want to set a custom download location for the runtime archive.

Explanation: The ‘–directory’ flag can be used to specify a custom directory path where the runtime archive will be downloaded. By default, the archive is downloaded to the ‘~/Downloads’ directory.

Example output:

Downloading 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053) to /path/to/custom/directory...
Download complete.

Use case 6: Keep the downloaded archive after installation


xcodes runtimes install runtime_name --keep-archive

Motivation: This use case is useful when users want to keep the downloaded archive even after successful installation of the Simulator runtime.

Explanation: The ‘–keep-archive’ flag prevents the downloaded archive from being deleted after the Simulator installation is completed.

Example output:

Downloading 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)...
Download complete.
Installing 13.7 (13.7 - 901003D6-26E4-45AE-A942-09B5FA4AC053)...
Installation complete. The archive has been kept.


The ‘xcodes runtimes’ command is a versatile tool for managing Xcode Simulator runtimes. It offers various capabilities, including displaying available runtimes, downloading and installing specific runtimes, and customizing download locations. By understanding the different use cases, developers can efficiently manage their Simulator runtimes for iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and visionOS.

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